After a traumatic divorce, my now 35-year-old stepson began drinking and using drugs.
While living with us, he stole money from me, and even from his toddler's piggy bank.
He stole my car. His outbursts necessitated he be removed by the police multiple times.
While arguing with his supervisor, he punched and broke the man's jaw.
We spent thousands of dollars on fees to multiple attorneys.
Our attorney got him a suspended sentence and probation.
Although my wife and I frequently warned him, he failed a drug test and his seven-year sentence was re-imposed.
My wife and I almost got divorced and saw a counselor after she demanded we pay another $3,500 for an appeal I knew was fruitless. (I am a former Army MP, corrections officer and have a degree in criminal justice.)
In prison, he has found Jesus, which delights my wife.
He is about to get out, and she wants him to temporarily live with us.
He must register as a felon with the police.
I do not agree to his return to our home. I have substantial coin and currency, and am a federally licensed gun collector.
His outbursts necessitated he be removed by the police multiple times.の和訳を教えてください。あと、coin and currencyは「コインと通貨」?moneyとは違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします