- ベストアンサー
- 日本語でメールをありがとう。私が英語ができない方が恥ずかしいよ。
- 新車は〇〇(車会社)の▲▲という車です。知ってる?正直、私は車にあまり詳しくないんだけどね。もうしばらく運転していないから、まだ運転をしていないです。あなたは2台も車を持っているんですね。確か、あなたは〇〇と言う車でしたよね?私の行っている美容院の下に〇〇のショールームがあります。
- そうそう、'ちばりよー'は沖縄の方言で、'頑張って'の意味です。良く知ってますね!私の祖父母やいとこ達は皆、沖縄の方言を使うのだけど、あまりにも独特で私は本当に聞き取れないの。だから、母に通訳をしてもらっています。たまに母の言っていることも聞き取れないの!この前添付した写真は去年沖縄へ行った時に撮った祖父母の家です。行くと、近所の人を集めて庭でBBQをしたりするよ。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
Thank you for your email in Japanese. No, it's embarrassing that I can't do English well. The new car is ▲▲ of 〇〇 Do you know it? To be honest, I'm not familiar with cars. I haven't driven for a while, so I haven't taken it out yet. You have two cars? Your car is 〇〇, isn't it? The salon I go to has a showroom of 〇〇 downstairs. Yes,"Chibariyo" is Okinawa dialect, meaning "Take it easy" You know so well! My grandparents and my cousins all use Okinawa dialect, but it's too unique that I can't understand it! So my mother is my translator, haha. But sometimes I can't understand what my mother is saying also! The photo I attached before is from last year when I visited my grandparents' house. There, we have BBQs with people from the neighborhood. Certainly, I watched the Netherlands vs Japan. I was excited! You too? Japan lost, but I was happy I got to see an excellent match. The Netherlands is a nice team. But you're a Japan supporter, right!? Where I live has lots of enthusiastic soccer fans. I sometimes see players, and some of them stay in the hotel near my house. Are you coming to Osaka? That's good news! Will you tell me when you do? I want to see you and talk so much. I want to go eat tuna of course, and other good food. I'll be looking forward to your email!