prominenceII P66,67
"Honestly!"said Catharine.
Newt kissed her again. He kissed her again because she wated him to.
She shook her head in drowsy wonder. "I've got to go back now,"she said.
"Say goodbye,"said Newt.
"Every time I do,"said Catharine,"I seen to det kissed."
Newt sat down on the close‐cropped grass under an apple tree. "Sit down,"he said.
"No,"she said.
"I won't touch you,"he said.
"I don't believe you,"she said.
She sat down under another another tree,twenty feet away from him. She closed her eyes.
"Dream of henry Stewart Chasens,"he said.
"What<"she said.
"Dream of your wonderful husband‐to‐be,"he said.
"All right,I will," she said. She closed her eyes tishter,caught glimpses of her husband‐to‐be.
Newt yawned.
He began to snore softly.
Catharine let Nert sleep for an hour,and while he slept she adored him with all her heart.
The shadows of the apple trees grew to the east.
Catharine came out from under her tree,knelt by Newt.
"Newt?"she said.
"H'm?"he said.He opened his eyes.
"Late,"she said.
"Hello,Catharine,"he said.
"Hello,Newt,"she said.
"I loveyou,"he said.
"I know,"she said.
"Too late,"he said.
"Too late,"she said.
He stood,stretched groaningly.
Where will you go?"she said.
"Hitch into town,turn myself in,"he said.
"Good luck,"she said.
"You,too,"he said. "Marry me,Catharine?"
"No,"she said.
He smiled,stared at her hard for a moment,then walked away quickly.
Catharine wathed him grow amaller,knew that if he stopped and turned now,if he called to her,she would run to him. She would have no choice.
Newt did stop. He did turn. He did call. "Catharine,"he called.
She ran to him,put her arms around him,could not speak.
大達人、御回答ありがとうございます。 今回僕が分からなかった一番の理由は、 >抽象名詞の中には a をつけることによって,そのような原因となる人やものを表すものがたくさんあります。 という用法を知らなかった事でした。 悔しくて、文法書のその箇所の解説を何度も読み返しました。 これさえ分かっていたら、 >an angel と同格,あるいは she was a longing と考えるのが正しく書かれた英文の解釈だと思います。 もしくは、beingの省略された分詞構文だと分かったのですが、、。 そもそも、抽象名詞に不定冠詞がついている事に注目して「これは何故だ!」と考えて文法書を復習すれば良かったんですね! まだまだ、僕は基本文法すら未修得の身のようです。 洋書を読んでいると、ロイヤル英文法に載っていない文法的な用法とかも使用されているようですし(前々回(?)に御回答いただいた質問等)、兎に角いまは、ロイヤル英文法くらいはマスターして、はやく、大達人の文法の領域を覗いて見たいです。 何年かかるか分かりませんが、、、、、、、、、。 本当にいつも、御回答ありがとうございます。