It has been urged that accounts have less to do with representing conditions than with guiding behavior in large firms. This is undoubtedly so, though there is more than a hint here of a false dichotomy. Numbers that have no credibility as truth claims will be less effective also at projecting power and coordinating activity. But the imperative mood tends to define the indicative. Adequate description counts for little if the numbers are not also reasonably standardized. Only in this way does calculation establish norms and guidelines by which actors can be judged and can judge themselves. Business corporations began early to evaluate laborers by quantity of production, which had the dual advantage of being easy to measure and unambiguously related to the profitability of the firm. One of the crucial goals of accounting was to apply such objective evaluation to ever higher levels of responsibility, and hence to manage large, multicentered firms so far as possible according to clear and open standards. It was, as G. C. Harrison observed in 1930, much easier to accomplish this for “the five dollars a day man” than for top executives.
But already such corporations as Du Pont and General Motors
were judging their operating divisions using a standard index of profitability, return on investment or ROI.
Any such measures necessarily involve a loss of information. In some cases, as with accounting, the credibility of the bottom line may be such that this loss seems largely irrelevant. But such an attitude presupposes that the bottom line is determined unambiguously by the activities it summarizes. It never is. When business managers are judged by the accounts, they learn to optimize the accounts, perhaps through such artifices as putting off needed maintenance and other long-term costs. Nonfinancial measures may be even looser. A congressional mandate permits the United States Forest Service to cut no more lumber than is renewed by annual growth. Since that law was put into effect, growth rates have been greatly enhanced, at least in the Forest Service accounts, by new herbicides, pesticides, and tree varieties. Through such doubtful forecasts, it drew the teeth from the law.
「会計や帳簿というものは,大企業のいろいろな状態や条件の内容を示すことよりも,その企業の行動(振る舞い)に指針を示すことに深い関りを持っているのだ,と従来主張されている。ここに誤った二元論のヒント以上のものがあるにもかかわらず,これは疑うべくもなく(確かに)そうなのである。真の主張として何の信用もない数は,力の誇示と活動の調整ではあまり効果的ではないということになろう。だが高圧的な雰囲気は指示を特徴付けて仕舞う。如何せん数が合理的に基準化されないのなら,十分な説明もあまり意味をなさない。唯一まさにこのようにして計算は,当事者を判断でき,また当事者自身が判断できる規範とガイドラインを確立するのである。事業会社は早期に,労働者を生産量で評価し,それは企業の収益性の測定が容易な存在という利点および収益性に一義的に係わる存在という利点の二重の利点を持っていた。会計の重要な目的の一つはそうした客観的な評価を常に一層高い水準の責任に適用することであり,それゆえ,巨大で多角化した企業に明確で開かれた基準に応じて経営することであった。1930年にG.C. Harrisonが観測したように,最高経営責任者達のためよりは,「1日5ドルで生きた男」のためにこれを成し遂げることの方が遙かに容易であった。だが既にDu Pont や General Motorsのような会社はその事業部門を標準的収益性指標,投資収益率ないしROIを用いて評価していた。