Hollow Victory: Citigroup's Repayment and its Consequences
A repayment of bailout cash could help Citigroup shed the stigma, but it may not contribute to its financial health.
The repayment is a hollow victory for Citigroup's CEO, Vikram S. Pandit, as it has already proven costly to existing shareholders.
The return of public funds will not guarantee a rapid improvement in Citigroup's financial situation.
hollow victory
For Citigroup, a repayment could help it shed the stigma of having accepted bailout cash. But in some ways, it may be a hollow victory for Citigroup’s chief executive, Vikram S. Pandit.
The move itself is unlikely to hasten the bank’s rapid return to financial health. In fact, it has already proved costly to its existing shareholders in the short term.
・shed stigma はなんと訳せばいいのでしょう?
・a hollow victory を「あっけない勝利」と訳しましたが、意味的に前後関係がぴんとこない訳になっています。どうすればいいのでしょう?
・shed stigma はなんと訳せばいいのでしょう?
・a hollow victory
hollow は「中味が空洞の」という意味ですから、「あっけない勝利」というと意味がずれるかと思います。「空っぽの勝利」「うわべだけの勝利」意訳して「ぬか喜び」でもいいでしょうか。
>it has already proved costly to its existing shareholders in the short term.
costly は「多くの損害を伴う」という意味ですから、ここでは株価が下がって株主が損しているということだと思いますので、「コスト高」という表現ではイメージが浮かびにくいかと。