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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Equal Partners Under the Law Are women persons too?)
Equal Partners Under the Law: Are Women Persons Too?
- If you were female and living in Canada before 1930, you wouldn't think that was such a silly question. It all started when a group of women was turned away from an Alberta court trial because the subject matter was deemed inappropriate for mixed company.
- Emily Murphy and four others, known as the Famous Five, put forth a petition that called into question a law that declared Canadian women were 'not persons in matters of rights and privileges.' On this date in 1929, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council decided that women could be defined as persons for political purposes.
- In the words of Ani, 'My idea of feminism is self-determination, and it's very open-ended: every woman has the right to become herself and do whatever she needs to do.'
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
- ベストアンサー
前半部分は、簡単に言うと 女性という「人」は「法の下で対等なパートナー」ですか? あなたが1930年以前のカナダに住んでいる女性だとすれば、それほどおかしな質問だとは感じないかもしれません。 アルバートの裁判で、男女社会では不適切だとして、ある女性グループの主張が退けられたことがすべての始まりです。 そのグループの1人、エミリー・マーフィー..... 後半は大体あってます。 .... open ended は 「開かれた状態で終わっている」→「議論に制限はない・結論は出てない・などなど」 persons case は、パーソンズ・ケースが無難な気がします。もしくは無理やり「"人"訴訟」とか?