The Economic and Social Pressures on Women in the Past
The employment of women during the past era reflected both economic and social pressures.
Women faced economic pressures and the social pressure of a culture that offered no sanction for gender equality or a life of independence and free choice.
The lifestyle of affluence in that era relied heavily on the employment of women who had not previously held jobs.
And much of the lifestyle of "affluence" that we associate with that era rested on the employment of women who, in the past, had not held jobs and who were now reflecting both the economic pressures of their society and the social pressures of a culture that offered no sanction for sex quality or a life of independence and free choice for women.
And much of the lifestyle of "affluence" (that we associate with that era) rested on the employment of women 【(who, in the past, had not held jobs) and {who were now reflecting both the economic pressures of their society and the social pressures of a culture (that offered no sanction for sex quality or a life of independence and free choice for women)}】.
☆ much of the lifestyle of "affluence" that we associate with that era:「あの時代のことだと我々が連想する「裕福」な生活様式の多く(は)」。
☆ rested on the employment of women who, in the past, had not held jobs:「昔は仕事を持たなかった女性たちの雇用(就業状況)に基づいていた」。
☆ who were now reflecting both the economic pressures of their society and the social pressures of a culture:「当時の社会の経済的文化的強制(の緩和)を反映していた(女性)」。
☆ that offered no sanction for sex quality or a life of independence and free choice for women:「性差による拘束の解除、独立の生活、および女性の選択の自由を提供した(強制の緩和)」。
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