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The Low Priority of the GDR Constitution and the Dominance of the SED
- The low priority the Party of Workers and Peasants gave to the real relevance of the GDR constitution of1949 for the state can be clearly seen by the fact that in 1968 a new ‘Socialist constitution’ came into effect that more accurately described the system in the GDR, also proclaiming the predominance of the SED in no uncertain terms.
- The groupings and sub-organizations of this one-party regime are worth mentioning. The Free German Youth Movement (Freie Deutsche Jugend, FDJ) was the only legitimate youth organization and enjoyed a high status within the framework of the so-called mass organizations.
- The FDJ was to serve as a recruiting ground for the new generation of the SED and a ‘reserve of cadres’ for the Party. The SED had recognized its leadership role.
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