Although we change nutrition taken from food into energy as we live, in connection with it, a metabolism product is generated inside the body.
As exhaust gas soils air, a metabolism product soils blood and when it becomes too excessive, the in blood will run short calcium ion and blood cleansing property 】will no longer be performed smoothly.
Consequently,a cell causes unarranging to [metabolism] and becomes the cause of declines of vitality and ruins its health.
It is [the acid constitution] in which this state is generally called [all kinds of disease].
Contrary to that, [ low alkali constitution] which is which is generally said healthy body is the state in which calcium ion is committing actively.
When calcium ion increases, blood can be maintained at low alkalinity.
In order to live, we all absorb the nutrients from our food and convert them into energy, and in doing so, metabolic byproducts are produced in our bodies.
Just as automotive exhaust gases pollute our atmosphere, these metabolic byproducts pollute our blood, and when this becomes excessive, the calcium ion levels drop resulting in the inabilty to smoothly cleanse our blood.
This leads to a disruption in our cellular metabolism and this can affect our health and vitality. This condition is known as acidic constitution and it is known to be the root cause of many illnesses.
The opposite condition, known as a low alkaline constitution, is a healthy state in which calcium ions are actively working.
When the amount of calcium ion increases, it is possible to maintain our blood in a state of low alkalinity.
御解答頂いた中から再度質問なのですが、【血液浄化作用】をhttp://www.alc.co.jp/で調べると【bloodcleansing property】と出て来ます。もしこの単語が正しいとしたなら>それが過度になると血液中のカルシウムイオンが不足し【血液浄化作用】がスムーズに行われなくなります。 というのは、
質問1. when this becomes excessive, the calcium ion levels drop and bloodcleansing property will no longer be performed smoothly.
としても大丈夫でしょうか?【血液浄化作用】という単語を使って表現したいのです。また>行われなくなる、を上手く表現する方法を教えて下さい。be done とした方がいいとも思うのですが。
質問2.またこの単語が正しい場合、bloodcleansing propertyのpropertyはどういう意味なのでしょうか?propertyに作用という意味はないと思うのですが。
propertyは性質とか特性の意味です。作用なら違った言い方が必要となります。blood cleansing effectとか。blood cleansing action/functionとか。
and when this becomes excessive, the calcium ion levels drop, causing its blood cleansing action to function less smoothly (to slow down / to stop).
Moreover, the blood normalizes [PH buffer action], and since it amplifies the [spontaneous cure power] [vitality] [immunity power] which man originally has, and it helps to maintain a helthy body.
When blood changes to low alkalinity,a blood flow becomes good and it carries the nutrients to the whole body.
Then a brain or internal organs are of-course, even the skin which is the end of a capillary vessel, or a cell of a hair root becomes lively.
添削有難う御座います。また私の文中に多くの脱字があり申し訳御座いませんでした。(言い訳になりますが、急ぎ過ぎて確認作業を怠ってしまいました。) 御解答頂いた中から再度質問なのですが、【血液浄化作用】をhttp://www.alc.co.jp/で調べると【bloodcleansing property】と出て来ます。もしこの単語が正しいとしたなら>それが過度になると血液中のカルシウムイオンが不足し【血液浄化作用】がスムーズに行われなくなります。 というのは、 質問1. when this becomes excessive, the calcium ion levels drop and bloodcleansing property will no longer be performed smoothly. としても大丈夫でしょうか?【血液浄化作用】という単語を使って表現したいのです。また>行われなくなる、を上手く表現する方法を教えて下さい。be done とした方がいいとも思うのですが。 質問2.またこの単語が正しい場合、bloodcleansing propertyのpropertyはどういう意味なのでしょうか?propertyに作用という意味はないと思うのですが。