I’ve been close with a group of friends for a little over three years now. In this group is a married couple I’ll call Fred and Wilma. Shortly before I married, Fred approached me and explained that he and Wilma have an open marriage and he was attracted to me. Flattered, I declined, stating that I was neither interested in that way nor emotionally equipped for that kind of relationship. Fred has been very respectful of that, and I’ve never once felt weird since then, and I’ve never mentioned it to the group as I felt it wasn’t pertinent (I did tell my husband).
Lately at parties and events anytime I talk to Fred, another woman, Betty, comes over and drapes herself all over Fred. It’s gotten to the point where another member of the group mentioned it to me and wondered what the best method is of informing Fred that it’s going too far. We don’t care what he does behind closed doors, as long as all parties involved are consenting, but we also don’t care to witness the hormonal ramp up or have our conversations cut short by a jealous lover. How do we handle this, if at all?
drapes herself all over FredとHow do we handle this, if at all?の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
ありがとうございました。 ちんけな巣窟、というのは面白いですね。 SIGそのものにネガティブな響きがあるのでしょうか。 わずか2文からなる英文コメントなので、 このミーティングについてそもそも彼が抱いていたイメージが プラスなのかマイナスなのかニュートラルなのか、 よくわからないのです。 「同類の寄り合い」くらいにしておくと無難かもしれないですね。