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英作文を練習しています。 TOEFLや英検準1級以上で通用するレベルまで作文力を磨きたいと思っています。 回答を添削できる方がいらっしゃいましたら、どんな小さなことでもかまいませんので、(スペルミスや、コンマや冠詞の使い方、表現がまずい、など)アドバイスをお願いします!! 加えて、英作文の練習について、なにかいい方法や情報をお持ちの方は、ぜひ教えてください!! よろしくお願いします!! **************************** 【問題】 近年、海外進出する(seeking their jobs outside Japan)日本人のスポーツ選手がますます増える傾向(stream)にあります。このことについて、あなたの意見を述べなさい。 【私の解答】 Some people say that the stream of Japanese professional sports players seeking their jobs outside Japan is not good but I do not think so. Here I have two poins to make. First, I think as some Japanese professional sports players find better job in foreign countries and flourish especially by earning a lots of money and rising in their honor , the other sports players would have more motivation. Moreover, that would lead to improve Japanese players skill and revel. Secondly, when Japanese player act vigorously, that bring among two countries good effects in the economy and make a big market. Such things would get up steam the economy and excite many people. Thus, I suppose that the acting overseas is great strem for many people who love sports and I agree with such stream.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
所要時間10分で訂正させていただきましたので参考まで。(あなたの英語センスは素晴らしいと思います。お世辞抜きで) Some people say that the stream of Japanese professional sports players seeking their fields overseas is not a good idea. In my opinion, there are, however, two good points regarding this trend. First, I think as some Japanese professional sorts players find better jobs overseas and are successful earning tons of money and honored by millions of people, other players in Japan can be much motivated by that. Moreover, that would lead to improvements of Japanese players skills and levels. Secondly, when Japanese players act so vigorously in the US, for example, they can bring the two countries such good effects for the economies and create new markets. In other words, they can set up a new stream of economy and people. In conclusion, it is my opinion that acting overseas will create a great stream for many people who love sports. I agree with that!
- duosonic
- ベストアンサー率51% (585/1140)
こんにちは。 僕だったらこう書くかなということで、ご参考までに。 (1) Some people say that the stream of Japanese professional sports players seeking their jobs outside Japan is not good. I, however, disagree with this idea. Here I have two points to make. 、、、ここはまず二本の文に分けた方が良いでしょう。 ・poins ⇒ points (2) First, the fact that some Japanese professional sports players are finding better opportunities in foreign countries should positively affect the other sports players. Japanese players abroad making good money and rising in fame could ultimately improve skill levels of the domestic Japanese players. 、、、ここも一文が異常に長いですよね。 ・revel ⇒ level (3) Secondly, Japanese players actively playing abroad should bring a favorable outcome to both countries in terms of economy. Most professional sports are commercial after all, and fans are willing to travel far to wherever the Japanese players are playing. 、、、ここは、何故経済効果があるのか?の説明がちょっと不足しているような印象を受けました。 (4) For these reasons, I believe Japanese sports players being active abroad is a great trend for many people who love sports, including myself. 、、、I suppose なんて言わずに I (strongly) believe と言った方が良いでしょうね。とにかく「自分の意見をもって主張する文を作る」ということです。stream という言葉も本文中出尽くしたような感があるので、違う単語を使うと良いでしょう。 、、、「主張 ⇒ First ⇒ Secondly ⇒ また主張」という構成は、英検一級でも定番になっているもので、これはバッチリです。非の打ち所がありません。ただ、全体的に一本の文章が長すぎるという印象を受けます。これは run-on sentence と言われ、非常に嫌われる書き方です。要するに、何の話だったか読み手が文章の途中で分からなくなってしまい、前まで戻らなければならないことがあるからですね。それが続くと段々読み手は興味を失います。なので、文を分けることを恐れないで下さい。バラバラにならない限り、文章は短い方が決定的に読み易いものです。いつも読み手の立場になって書くことを心掛けると良いでしょうね。 作文は、とにかく読み手が読んで「一発で書き手の言いたいことが分かる」ということが何よりも大事ですから、スペルミスは大した減点対象にならないでしょう。やはり簡潔さと構成を主眼に置くことでしょうね。 ご参考までに。
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