The country longs for a president who can talk and think at the same time
The Current Occupant's replacement with the Angry Old Man of the Desert and Whoopee the Ice Queen is miserable
Most Republican friends are not ashamed of having worked hard and done well in school
The party needs to reform itself around a coherent philosophy of governance and vision of the future
IHTのコラムの一節6・their party's frantic appeal~
IHT (インターナショナル・ヘラルド・トリビューン)紙のコラムからです。筆者はガリソン・ケイラー氏。タイトルは「The skinny guy's time」。10月29日のもの、すなわち、オバマ氏が大統領に当選する前の文章です。
The country longs for a president who can talk and think at the same time. We've been locked up with the Current Occupant for way too long and the thought of replacing him with the Angry Old Man of the Desert and Whoopee the Ice Queen is miserable in the extreme.
Most of my Republican friends are people who are not ashamed of having worked hard and done well in school, and their party's frantic appeal to anti-intellectualism is nothing they care to sign up for. Time to nip that sucker in the bud.
The party needs to reform itself around some coherent philosophy of governance and vision of the future and for that, it must take a trip to the wilderness. They are quietly supporting the skinny guy this time around. They might tell a pollster otherwise but that's what they will do. Call it the Palin Effect.
上記文中の their party's frantic appeal to anti-intellectualism is nothing they care to sign up for. Time to nip that sucker in the bud. の意味をご教示ください。
(なお、anti-intellectualism のご説明は不要です)
おおっ、全訳してくださるとはまことに恐縮です。ありがとうございます。 そして、訳が自分の当初考えていたものと基本的にほぼ同じなのでちょっと安心しました。 一番悩んだのはやはり that sucker は何を指すかでした。 自分の最初の考えは、共和党の anti-intellectualism の煽りに簡単に乗ってしまう人間のことかも、というものでした。が、考えてみるとそれなら複数形を取りそうですね。やはりお示しのようにペイリン氏を指すと考えた方がいいようです。後の段落の Call it the Palin Effect. という文ともつながりますし。 言われてみれば、非常にすがすがしく筋道が通ります。 ありがとうございました。