訃報の翻訳& お悔やみのことばについて
以前お世話になったホストファミリーから 訃報をうけとりました
訃報をうけてから数ヶ月が 経過してしまいました
いまだ 返事をかくことができません
ご遺族への お悔やみのことばについて
アドバイスをいただけたらと 思います。
We are very sorry that we haven't contacted you before now. We have just been too sad and we are all missing Micky terribly.
What an awful shock this must have been for you too and we are sorry Cori.
Micky had not been well in her mind for the last couple of years. She said that she would feel OK one minute and then the next, she would feel very depressed and sad. Also, Micky had been unwell physically. She had 3 operations in hospital in 1 year - 4 wisdom teeth removed, tonsills out and then an operation for a broken hand.
Poor Micky had had enough of feeling so sick and the Doctors, counsellors, etc (and us too), were not able to help her to feel better. Micky committed suicide at our home on 29 July, 2007. We are unsure what mental illness Micky had, but we believe that it was an illness called Bi Polar. Psychiatrists (5 in total) kept saying that she had depression and kept putting her on tablets that did nothing to help. We think they were very wrong with their diagnosis.
Cori, we are very sad and we will always be. We loved Micky very much and we miss her every day.
Please write to us when you can and we hope you like the photos of Micky.
lots of love,
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