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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:添削お願いします)

Opinions on Apologizing via Email, Importance of Cell-phones, and Staying in Restaurants

  • Apologizing via email: Is it a good way to apologize when someone is standing right in front of you? Sometimes, we have things we can't say face to face.
  • Importance of cell-phones in our lives: Cell-phones have become indispensable, especially for young people. They help us stay connected with friends and prevent us from feeling alone.
  • Staying in restaurants or coffee shops: There's nothing wrong with staying in these places for a long time. They provide spaces for communication, whether it's catching up with friends or having small meetings.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Faumdano
  • ベストアンサー率33% (16/48)

Q1: What do you think about the man’s way of apologizing? (彼女が目の前にいるのにメールで謝るやり方) Answer: I think it’s a good way because we sometimes have [things] we can’t say face to face in spite of wanting to. 「それはいいやり方だと思います。何故なら時々面と向かって言いたいけど言えないことがあるからです。」 【I thinks that's a good way of doing things. The reason being that from time to time there are things we want to say when face to face with a person but can't.】 Q2: Some people say that cell-phones are indispensable to our lives these days. Do you agree? Answer: Exactly. We, especially young people, keep in touch [with] each other by cell-phone. If not for cell-phones, we couldn’t communicate with our friends. We would feel alone. I think cell-phones are a very important item. (are very important itemsっても可です) 「全くそのとおりです。特に若い人たちは携帯で連絡を取り合っています。もし携帯がなかったら、友達とコミュニケーションがとれないし、寂しく感じます。携帯は重要な道具です。」 【Absolutely I do. Especially we the younger crowd keep in touch by cellphone. Were there not cellphones, as well as notbeing able to keep in touch with our friends, we'd also feel lonely. Cellphones are a vital tool.】 Q3: What do you think about people who stay in a restaurant or a coffee shop for long time. Answer: I don’t think it’s a bad thing because we use a restaurant or [] coffee shop to talk with our friends, [and from time to time] have a small meeting. Those places are necessary, [places] where we can communicate. (並列なんか呼ばれる文型だと思いますが、わたくしが母語話者だから、文法・文型の名称はあまり知りません。。。) 「悪いことではないと思います。何故ならレストランやコーヒーショップは友達と話したり、時々小さな会議を もったりするのに使われます。コミュニケーションが取れるような場所は必要です。」 【I don't think it's a bad thing. The reason being places like restaurants and coffee shops are places we can use to do things like talk with our friends or from time to time hold a small meeting. It's necessary to have the kind of place where communication is possible.】 [ ]に、添削した部分を書き込み、日本語で書いてくれた文章によって訳したわたくしの思考を【 】に書き込んであげました。立派なご参考となったら、嬉しいんです。(変な日本語を書いてしまったら、ごめんね)



ご回答ありがとうございます。書いてくださった文章を活用させていただきます。Q1のwhen、Q2のas well as、Q3のlikeやhaveは私は思いつきません。ネイティブの方のような、自然な英文をいつか書けるようになりたいです。