Dear Carolyn:
I have a "friend" that will email and invite me to lunch and then add, "By the way I'm cycling for charity, please contribute," and then she never follows through regarding the lunch. Once, we actually made a date for lunch and then she said, "I'll call you that morning and let you know if it still works for me!" and I never heard from her the day we had scheduled the lunch. I asked her and her fiance to join my husband and me for dinner and she said, "Great idea! I'll get back to you when things aren't so hectic," and 10 months went by without a word.
Although there was a time when this person and I were close and spent time together, obviously this is no longer a friendship, and I have decided not to accept this behavior from her again.
There is a strong possibility that I am going to run into her around town. What can I kindly say to let her know that I'm done with her without being snarky?
-- K.
Why do you need to tell her anything? The friendship is over, there are no plans being made that you need to break, and if she ever invites you to something, then you already know she doesn't mean it so it doesn't matter whether you reply yes, no, maybe, or not at all.
The only thing left to do is to exist in this reality instead of the alternative one where you thought you might someday, eventually, have lunch.
If the opportunity arises naturally for you to say something, or if it's important to you to tie off the ends, then by all means, say what has been on your mind:
it's important to youのところはit's important for youと学校で習った気がするのですが、なぜその形なのでしょうか?あと、tie off the endsの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします
ありがとうございます!!!こんなに詳しく書いて頂いて感謝です。 どのような勉強をすれば、こんなに詳しくわかるようになるんでしょうか? Parismadam様はどのように勉強されたのですか??質問ついでに教えていただければうれしいです。。