The Dark Glassesからの英文です。
My grandmother said, "Did you see--"
"--Mr Simmonds' sister?" said my aunt.
"Yes, she was there all the time," I said, to make it definite.
My grandmother said, "They say she's going---"
"---blind in one eye," said my aunt.
"And with the mother bedridden upstairs---" my grandmother said.
"---she must be a saint," said my aunt.
Presently--it may have been within a few days or a few weeks--my reading glasses arrived, and I wore them whenever I remembered to do so.
Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。
Mr Simmonds=検眼士です。
・ "---she must be a saint," (彼女は聖人であるに違いない?)
sheはMr Simmonds' sisterのことですか?
☆"眼鏡をかける"、を英文にしたときwearとput onのどちらを使っても違いはないのでしょうか?よく使われるのはwearの方ですか?
"Can you read?" said Mr Simmonds.
I stopped looking round. I said, "Read what?"--for I had been told I would be asked to read row after row of letters. The card which hung beneath the dim light showed pictures of trains and animals.
"Because if you can't read we have pictures for illiterates."
This was Mr Simmonds' joke. I giggled. His sister smiled and dabbed her right eye with her handkerchief. She had been to London for an operation on her right eye.
I recall reading the letters correctly down to the last few lines, which were too small. I recall Mr Simmonds squeezing my arm as I left the shop, turning his sandy freckled face in a backward glance to see for certain that his sister was not watching.
ありがとうございます! なんだかなあ…と感じていることを、「本当は何なのか」はっきりさせて、さらに人に説明するのって、本当にむずかしいですね。 私もmayが必要な気がなんとなくしていたのですが、でもそれはなぜか、よくわからずにいました。「みんながみんなそう思うとは思わないけど」という意味がでるんですね。確かに『奥ゆかしい』???です。「私は若く見える」と断定しないところがかえって説得力があって、ユーモアに迫力を加えているかもしれませんね。 それに、reallyと、actuallyのニュアンスの差も勉強になりました。これからは、注意して耳を傾けるようにしてみます。 これからも、いろいろよろしく!