- ベストアンサー
朝日新聞の4コマ漫画の描写を英語にして英作文を練習している者です。 次の英文を読んで状況が読み取れるかお聞きしたいです。また、文法間違い英語表現の間違いなどご指摘していただけろとありがたいです。 One day a girl told her grandmother that something was wrong with her umbrella. Her grandmother advised showing it to her father. She had it repaired by him as her grandmother told. However, he was a terribly awkward. He was called 'Destroyer'. He handed it back to her without confidence, but she thanked him. Her mother came by and said, " This is no good. I'll throw away." She was a 'Damper'.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
もとの漫画を見ていないのですが、よくできているとおもいます。 ただ、傘のような単純なものが「something was wrong with her umbrella」という場面は想像しにくいので、私なら、 One day a girl came up to her grandmother with a broken umbrella in the hand, and asked her what to do. とでもします。 参考にもならないでしょうが・・・・