• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文和訳の質問。)

What would you like for Christmas?

  • "What would you like for Christmas?" Mrs. Deverell asked. Angel had scarcely spoken a word all day, was lying there, fuming, frustrated by this intrusion.
  • For once, she did not know what she would like. It was only a matter of time before she would have everything she wanted. All that separated her from such riches was the time it would take to transfer what was in her head to the pages of the exercise book ― time which her mother's unexpected visit was causing her to lose.
  • As a famous novelist, she could buy herself jewelry, expensive clothes, a fur coat, her own car. All that separated her from such riches was the time it would take to transfer what was in her head to the pages of the exercise book ― time which her mother's unexpected visit was causing her to lose.


  • ベストアンサー
  • go_urn
  • ベストアンサー率57% (938/1643)

こんにちは。 As a famous novelist, 著名な小説家である彼女は、 she could buy herself jewelry, expensive clothes, a fur coat, her own car. 買おうと思えば、宝石だろうが、高価な衣服だろうが、毛皮のコート、自分専用の車、何だって買えるのだ。 All that separated her from such riches was the time it would take to transfer what was in her head to the pages of the exercise-book 彼女をそうした富から隔てているものは、頭の中にある観念を、具体的な実行計画に移し替えるに必要な時間だけだった。 time which her mother's unexpected visit was causing her to lose. 彼女の母親が不意に訪問してきたために、彼女が失いつつある時間があればできることだったのだ。 以上、大雑把な訳です。exercise-bookの意味は少し自信がありません。 ご参考になさって下さい。



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