One summer's day in 1862, a young man and a pretty little girl got into a rowing boat on the River Thames.
The man was Charles Dodgson, a professor of mathematics at Oxford University, and the pretty dark-haired girl was Alice Liddell, his friend's daughter. It was a very hot day and as he gently rowed the boat on the peace- ful river, his young companion began to get restless.
"Tell me a story," she said, "with plenty of nonsense in it."
So Dodgson began to invent a fantastic story to amuse his pretty young friend.
"Alice was beginning to get very tired," he began, "sitting with nothing to do...
Dodgson made Alice the central character of the story, and as he described her fantastic journey, little Alice Liddell listened atten- tively, smiled, laughed and cried.
This was the beginning of a story that would captivate children throughout the world for the next hundred years.
He called the story, "Alice's Adventures in Wonder land' and published it under the name of Lewis Carroll.
In the winter of 1928, a little old lady entered Sotheby's, a fa mous auctioneer's in London. "Excuse me," she said, "I was told you accept manuscripts for auction.
You see, I need some money, so I would like to sell thi old manuscript.
"Yes, we do accept manuscripts," said the auctioneer, "but they have to be original and by famous authors.
"This is an original manuscript, it was given to me many years ago by a friend of my family," replied the old lady, "I don't want to part with it, but I have to sell it."
She handed him the manuscript. He opened it and read the hand- written inscription inside.
"A Christmas gift to a dear child in memory of a Summer's day.
The auctioneer stopped reading and looked up at the little old woman who was standing in front of him.
Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
You... you are Alice," he said slowly.
"Yes," replied the old lady, "I am Alice."
The manuscript was sold to an American collector for $77,000, and Alice lived comfortably until her death.