- 締切済み
「節分の豆を、年齢と同じ数だけ食べると、その一年は無病息災で暮らせる。」と、Englishで言いたいのですが、どのように言えばいいでしょうか? 私案は下記なのですが、もっとgood な英訳を教えて下さい。If you eat your age in beans, one bean for every year, you can live a happy life through the year. よろしくお願いします。
- みんなの回答 (4)
- 専門家の回答
- mabomk
- ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)
As legend goes, it is believed that you can lead a happy life full of health throughout this year when you eat same number of beans as your age at the closing day of winter. の後に続けて、 「after family ceremony of scattering beans on floor, chanting a charm "In with fortune! Out with the evil!" ついでです。
- good12701
- ベストアンサー率18% (11/59)
If you eat the same number of soybeans as your age, you will enjoy good health throughout the year.
- mabomk
- ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)
よりよいかどうかは判りませんが、 As legend goes, it is believed that you can lead a happy life full of health throughout this year when you eat same number of beans as your age at the closing day of winter. As legend goes....言い伝えによれば it is believed....そう信じられている lead a happy life full of health...無病息災で暮らす at the closing day of winter....節分に (traditional end day of winter)..春の節分
If you eat as many beans as your age, This year will be happy to you. とか参考です。