• ベストアンサー


またまた英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)   Thursday, March 09, 2006 It was sunny with a few clouds. Hello, Candy. A friend of mine told me that she watched the movie which name is “The chronicles of Narnia.” She said it moved her very much, but if she had not known the Bible, she couldn’t be moved by it so strong. I want to see this movie as well, but I didn’t know the Bible. I wonder I should read the Bible before seeing it. What do you think? Well, I’ve gotta go now. Will talk to you soon again!


  • ベストアンサー
  • akijake
  • ベストアンサー率43% (431/992)

こんにちは。お久しぶりです! それではちょこっとだけ。相変わらず直すところもほとんどないのですが、表現だけでしょうか。 A friend of mine told me that she watched the movie which name is “The chronicles of Narnia.” 「~という映画」とする時は、 called ~ などとした方が簡潔になると思います。 She said it moved her very much, but if she had not known the Bible, she couldn’t be moved by it so strong. moveの使い方は間違いでないのですが、通常使う時は人を主語にした受動態の She was moved by that story...とすることが多い気がします。主観は感動した人物の方がよいのかもしれません。 全体的に言い換えると、 She said that she was deeply moved by its story especially with her familiarity with the Bible. と言う感じで言えるかなぁと思います。 I feel like watching this movie as well, but I have never opened the Bible before... 見たい気がするけど・・・ というニュアンスが出るようにしてみたのですが。 聖書を知らないと言うより、「聖書を開いた事(目を通した事)がない」という表現が適当かと思います。 Hmmm... I'm wondering if I should read the Bible first or not? ちょこっと砕けた感じにしてみました。 悩んでるんだけど…というイメージでしょうか。 before...としなくても、firstをつける事で「まずは」という意味に取れます。 Hey Candy, what do you think? 突然の振りなので、最初に呼びかけたほうがベターかな、と。 意味はしっかり通じてますので、言い回しだけで。 頑張って下さいね!



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その他の回答 (2)

  • sanori
  • ベストアンサー率48% (5664/11798)

得意じゃないですが、やってみました。 she watched the movie which name is “The chronicles of Narnia.” ↓ she went to the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia". She said it moved her very much ↓ She said she was very touched (by the movie) but if she had not known the Bible, she couldn’t be moved by it so strong ↓ The reason why she was so affected and so impressed must be her experience of reading the Bible. I wonder I should read the Bible before seeing it. What do you think? ↓ Do you advise me to read the Bible before going to the movie, or not ?



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  • Hideto123
  • ベストアンサー率30% (126/420)

自信がないのでちょっとだけ・・・、 >she watched the movie which name is ・・・ 文法だけいうと、whose name was ・・・ ですが、 ここは単に、she watched “The chronicles of Narnia.” で充分かと。 >but if she had not known the Bible, she couldn’t be moved by it so strong. but if she had not known the Bible, she couldn’t have been moved by it so strongly. 過去のことなので、仮定法過去完了で、strong は strongly と副詞に。 >I wonder I should read the Bible before seeing it I wonder whether(or if) I should read the Bible before seeing it ~かどうか は、wether または、if ~ で。 参考にもならないでしょうが・・・・。



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