Gです。 こんにちは。 また書いてみますね。
>Tomorrow is the St. Valentine's day, so I thought that I would buy my husband a box of chocolate.
Tomorrow is (St.) Valentine's Day, so I thought first (that) I would buy my husband a box of chocolate. とtheを取ってくださいね。 thatも無い方がスムーズです。 I thought a box of chocolate is a nice gift for him. I thought first he would enjoy/like a box of chocolate. 等のようにちょっと変えて表現することもできますね。 私はenjoy/likeの方がフィーリングにあっているのではないかと思いました。 firstをつかって、最初は、と言うフィーリングを出せますね。
>At the same time, I remembered that I didn't buy him any presents these years.
At the same time, I realized that I haven't bought him any presents for the last few years.と言う表現をして、realizedと言う単語を使って、思い出した、と言うフィーリングをもう少し「気がついた」的フィーリングを出すことが出来ますね。 rememberが悪いと言うことではありません。
>This morning I asked him what he wants except chocolate, and he answered he wanted the lighter.
So, this morning, I asked him what he would like to have from me except for chocolate. He then answered he wanted a lighter.と言う表現をして、So,だから、を持ってきて、何が欲しい、と言う表現を「チョコレートのほかに私からあげるもので何が欲しい?」 そしたら、a lighterが欲しいと答えてくれました。ともって行きました。
>I went to the shopping mall and found the lighter that he will probably like it.
Later today, I went to a shopping mall and found a lighter he would probably like.と言う表現をして、itを取り外します。
>I hope he will be pleased to see it.
Okですね。 I hope he will be pleased to use it.も使えますね。
You know tomorrow is Valentine's Day, right? So I thought first I should get him a box of chocolate, like everybody does. But at the same time, it dawned on me that I have not bought him any presents for the last few years.
So as you might have suggested, I asked him this morning what you would like to receive from me this year, besides an ordinary box of chocolate.
You know what? He told me it would be nice if I could get him a new lighter. Easy, isn't it? So later today, I went to a shopping mall and found a lighter, a lighter I think he will enjoy. Now, I hope I will be his Valentine tomorrow!! Well, what do you think? Do you think I did a good job? Ok, I will let you know tomorrow!! Ciao for now, my diary.
と言う感じかな。 <g>
これでいかがでしょうか。 分かりにくい点がありましたら、補足質問してください。
こんにちは、Gさん。またまた丁寧な添削、ありがとうございました(^^)本当に感謝です。ところで質問ですが、私の未熟な英文には、時制の不一致とか、基本的な文法ミスも多いと思います。今回も気づいた部分があるのですが...でも、時制の一致については、必ずしも一致させないといけないとはかぎらないということを、最近学びました。添削でも、直されていないところもありますよね。時制の一致、たとえば、 I realized that I haven't bought him any presents for the last few years. のところは,I hadn't boughtにしなくてよいのかなあ、とか思うのですが、回答してくださると助かります。