- ベストアンサー
以下の会話を英訳してみました。どうでしょうか? 以前にパブで明け方まで飲んだ知人と久しぶりに会ったときの会話です。 A『あの日、無事家に帰れた?』 B『帰れたよ。電車はもうないから、タクシーで帰ったよ。』 A『一睡もせず仕事に行ったの?』 B『家に着いたら、“さぼろうかな・・”なんて思いはじめて、体の調子が悪いといって休んじゃった。』 A Did you manage to get home all right that day? B Yes. There were not train servies, so I took a taxi. A Did you go to work without sleeping? B When I got home, I just started to feel that it would be a good idea not to go to work. After all I called in sick.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
A OK です。that dayをthat nightとするともっといいでしょう。 B Ok です。あえて言うならTook a taxi home でしょうか。 Yeah, There was no train so I got a taxi homeともいえます。 A Did you go to work the next day without a kip? -『Kip』は一眠りという意味です。 B Well, when I got home that night I didn't feel like going to work the next day,so I phoned in sick instead. この文は日本語を直訳しようとするとかえって変になります。
その他の回答 (1)
- hakkoichiu
- ベストアンサー率21% (250/1139)
Could you go home without any trouble at that night? I could. The last train already left and I took a taxi. Did'nt you sleep even a single minute and go to office? I did'nt want to go out on reaching home, I called the office, told that I was ill and have a rest the following day.