- ベストアンサー
旅についての事を英語で言うならどういうんだろうと思いました。 添削をお願いします。 ちょっと思ったのですが、旅は自分自身が楽しむものであって、 決して他の人が楽しませてくれるものではないと思うのですが、 私の考えってへんかなぁ? 旅をしているといろんな事に出会いいろんな事を考えますね~ I geass I enjoy travel anything but I am enjoyed travel. Do you think about it? I have been going somewhere I thing something.
- みんなの回答 (4)
- 専門家の回答
貴英文に関して、 geass は guess ですか? 「旅は自分自身が楽しむもの」ですから、I guess travel is something you enjoy youself。他人が楽しませてくれる(もの) something someone makes (またはothers make) you enjoy. Do you think about it? はないですね。 What do you think about it? ただ「私の考えってへんかなぁ?」にはなってないですね。忠実に訳すと、 I wonder if this thought is strange. I wonder で「~かしら?」 最後の英文だけを直すと(日本語の意味は加味せず)、 When I go to many places, I think a lot. で、受験生的に貴原文を訳すと(一例): I've just had a small thought on(about) trips. I think they are something you enjoy yourself, not what someone else makes you enjoy. I wonder if this observation is a bit strange? While travelling (While on a trip), we come across many things and think a lot. 「旅先でいろんな事に出会い、それらがいろいろと考えさせられる事になる」のニュアンスをきちんと出したければ、... many things, which puts us into a lot of thinking (..., which makes us think over many things). 受験生的でない(?)一例: I see trips something you enjoy yourself, not what others make you enjoy. You may not share this observation? While travelling, we experience(are exposed to) many things and often find many thoughts coming over to us.
その他の回答 (3)
- mabomk
- ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)
本筋は変えずに添削しました。 I am just thinking, travel is like something for my own pleasure, not someone makes me enjoy anyway. How do you say about it ? On travel I often meet something new and different, and they make me think something different.
- kiwiana
- ベストアンサー率11% (1/9)
- kiwiana
- ベストアンサー率11% (1/9)
日常会話程度の者です。自分なりに訳してみました。意見の内容の主語はyouになります。 I just thought up that trip is never something that you're pleased with it by somebody but yourself. Do you think I'm a bit add? When you travel, you come across and think a lot, don't you?