Long-term health survey
The helth minirtry plans to launch a 10-year followup sur-vey on the physical and mentalhealth of 30, 000 people in the Tohoku region to gauge the impact of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami,ministry officials said Saturday.
It will select 10,000 people each in Iwate,Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures to check the various physical and mental the fects caused by their direct experience of the disaster,their prolonged stays in the shelters,and how their conditions change over the comingyears.
Professional care will be arranged for those found in need,the officials said.
In June,the Health,Labor and Welfare Ministry is expected to set up a team of doctors,nurses and other experts from medical facilities in the prefectures as well as national hospitals.
The ministry believes the redrawing up medium-and-long-term relief and welfare measures as well as health care services for future disasters,they said,
“The population of the affected areas was already aging (before the disaster) and there were many people living without relatives,”said Ichiro Tsuji,a professor at Tohoku University.
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