Apart from these things, my room is quite bare: the walls are pale, the ceiling white, the surround of the window dark wood. The best thing is the view: right along the row of our neighbours’ houses and up the valley.(前回の終わりの部分です)
Jamie’s room is much larger. Although there is more space, it all seems to be filled: with books and magazines and comics, with bedclothes, with packing cases and boxes both empty and half-full and unopened, with posters – rolled up and piled untidily in a corner.
Near the window is a little red telescope on a tripod, pointing out, and by it on the wall is pinned, carefully, a large piece of card which looks as if it might be a map of something, though the scattered mass of little dots and larger dots and numbers and words makes no sense to me at all.
On one of the bookshelves is a small black case, lined with worn red velvet, in which Jamie keeps his clarinet. He’s played it to me several times. Once school starts, his parents are going to find him a new teacher here, and he’ll learn new pieces, and play those to me as well.
Near the window is a little red telescope on a tripod, pointing outのpointing outとはどういう意味ですか?~を指摘する、ですか?
by it on the wall is pinned~の主語は何になるのでしょうか?
Once school starts, his parents are going to find him a new teacher here, and he’ll learn new pieces, and play those to me as well. のOnceは、一旦~すれば、の意味ですか?
分かりやすい回答ありがとうございます。 そうですね、tickenはつづりを間違えていましたね。 お察しのとおりthickenでした。 著者はシェフではなく、ホームパーティーなどでこの料理を出していたようです。 早い回答、本当に助かりました。 ありがとうございました。