• 締切済み


以下の英語の文章を日本語に翻訳お願いします。 April brings the primrose sweet, Scatters daisies at our feet. The name April comes from the Latin word aperire- to open, because it was the opening of the year. The robin and the red- breast, The robin and the wren, If ye take out of their nests, Ye'll never thrive again. The robin and the red- breast, The martin and the swal- low, If ye take out of their nests, Bad luck will surely follow. The four popular birds mentioned in this old rhyme were once held sacred: the robin because his red breast associated him with fire and light, and later with Christ's blood which stained his feathers when he hopped on the Cross; the wren because he is the King of All Birds, having won the contest to see who could fly highest by hiding unnoticed in the eagle's feathers (an early example of a booster missile?); and the martin and the swallow because they signified the return of summer. Many people still consider it lucky to have a swallow's or martin's nest on the house.


  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

以下のとおりお答えします。(段落ごとに原文と訳文を併記します。) April brings the primrose sweet, Scatters daisies at our feet. The name April comes from the Latin word aperire- to open, because it was the opening of the year. 4月はサクラソウの甘い香りを持って来る、ヒナギクを足もとにちりばめる。 4月の名はラテン語の"aperire"「開く・始める」から来た。それが一年の開始だったからである。 The robin and the red-breast, The robin and the wren, If ye take out of their nests, Ye'll never thrive again. コマドリとオバシギ(赤い胸のコマドリ)、 コマドリとミソサザイ、 もし汝がその巣を取り払ってしまうなら、 汝は、二度と栄えることはないだろう。 The robin and the red-breast, The martin and the swallow, If ye take out of their nests, Bad luck will surely follow. コマドリとオバシギ、 マーチン(イワツバメ)とツバメ、 もし汝がその巣を取り払ってしまうなら、 きっと、幸運はついて来ないだろう。 The four popular birds mentioned in this old rhyme were once held sacred: the robin because his red breast associated him with fire and light, and later with Christ's blood which stained his feathers when he hopped on the Cross; the wren because he is the King of All Birds, having won the contest to see who could fly highest by hiding unnoticed in the eagle's feathers (an early example of a booster missile?); and the martin and the swallow because they signified the return of summer. Many people still consider it lucky to have a swallow's or martin's nest on the house. この古い韻文で述べられた4羽のポピュラーな鳥はかつては神聖視されていた。すなわち、コマドリは、その赤い胸が火や光と結びつき、その後は(磔刑の)十字架に飛び乗った時羽についたキリストの血と結びついた。ミソサザイは、すべての鳥の王だからである。というのも、ワシの羽(初期のブースターミサイルの見本?)に隠れて気づかれずに最も高く飛べるのは誰かということを知るためのコンテストで優勝したからである。そして、イワツバメとツバメは夏の再来を意味していたことによる。多くの人々が、今でも家にツバメやイワツバメの巣があると幸運だと考えている。

