The Dark Glassesからの英文です。
After lunch, since the Eng. Lit. people had gone off to play tennis, she tacked on to me and we walked to the lake across the lawns, past the rhododendrons. This lake had once been the scene of a love-mad duchess's death.
".....during the war. Before that I was in general practice. It's strange," she said, "how I came to take up psychology. My second husband had a breakdown and was under a psychiatrist. Of course, he's incurable, but I decided.... It's strange, but that's how I came to take it up. It saved my reason. My husband is still in a home. His sister, of course, became quite incurable. He has his lucid moments. I did not realize it, of course, when I married, but there was what I'd now call an oedipus-transference on his part, and..."
How tedious I found these phrases! We had come to the lake. I stooped over it and myself looked back at myself through the dark water. I looked at Dr Gray's reflection and recognized her. I put on my dark glasses, then.
Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。
過去の回想シーンから現代に戻って、主人公とDr Grayが湖の近くを一緒に歩きながら話している場面です。
●It's strange, " she said, "how I came to take up psychology.と
It's strange, but that's how I came to take it up.の中に
I came to take up psychologyと I came to take it upがありますが、前者はtake up psychologyとtake upが繋がっているのに、何故後者は take it upのように、take とupの間にitが入るのでしょうか?
"I took up psychology during the war. Up till then I was in general practice."
I had come to the summer school to lecture on history and she on psychology. Psychiatrists are very often ready to talk to strangers about their inmost lives. This is probably because they spend so much time hearing out their patients. I did not recognize Dr Gray, except as a type, when I had attended her first lecture on "the psychic manifestations of sex." She spoke of child-poltergeists, and I was bored, and took refuge in observing the curious language of her profession. I noticed the word "arousement". "Adolescents in a state of sexual arousement," she said, "may become possessed of almost psychic insight."
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