• ベストアンサー


英文のエッセイを書いたのですが、以下の文はエッセイと言えるでしょうか。確認をお願いします。後、文法的におかしい所があったらお願いします。 1:The employment tests which I experienced until now are a written examination and an oral examination. By the written examination, the oral examination was performed for the primary examination in many cases at the second examination. In the oral examination, Japanese people found that one of the communication methods made the most difficult "it sees and speaks about a partner's eyes" was important. I suffered troubles about this point. Although seeing and speaking about a partner's eyes may be a natural thing, I thought that he should be conscious as one of the communications from a usual life.  (必須単語 most difficult) 訳:これまで私が経験した就職試験は、筆記試験や面接試験である。1次試験が筆記試験で、二次試験では面接試験が行われることが多かった。面接試験では、日本人には最も困難とされるコミュニケーション方法の一つ「相手の目を見て話す」ということが重要であることが分かった。私自身、この点に関して苦労したのも事実である。相手の目を見て話すというのは当たり前のことかもしれないが、普段の生活からコミュニケーションの一つとして意識しておくべきだと思った。


  • ベストアンサー
  • krykn
  • ベストアンサー率26% (12/46)

参考までに。少し堅くなってしまったかもしれませんが。 The type of employment tests which I have taken is classified into a written examination and an oral one. In most cases, I took a written examination as a first-stage selection, preliminary to an oral examination. I found that "talking looking the examiner in the eye," which is considered one of the most difficult methods of communication for Japanese, played an key role in oral examinations. Actually, I had difficulty in doing so in the test. I thought we should keep it in our mind in our daily life to "talk looking the other in the eye," all the more because it is quite natural to do so.




その他の回答 (1)


ちょこちょこ直してみました。 The employment tests I experienced until now are written and oral examinations. For most cases, the written examination came first followed by the oral examination. In the oral examination, I realized that looking in a person's eyes while speaking is important, something Japanese people find the most difficult. I had trouble with this point. Although looking into a person's eyes might seem to be an obvious thing, I thought that one should be aware of it as one of way of communicating in everyday life. エッセイは三つの部分に分かれています→Introduction, Body, Conclusion。だから、これはエッセイではないと思います。

