Discovering the wonders of Japan and learning about its culture!
Although challenging, the journey to understand Japan is not impossible.
Appreciating Japanese fashion while acknowledging cultural differences.
I'm very excited to learn about Japan! I just think a bit difficult but not impossible. You are a very gentle person! I love to meet her! I know that I write nonsense! But it's all fun! what do you like most? I do not know about Japanese fashion, but I quite like the style, but the Brazilian society is very different in the field of fashion! If I clothe the Japanese style, I would be mocked by the minds of most people here is not broad enough to understand! understand?
こちらも回答ありがとうございます! 今は新しいBrazil boyとメッセージやりとりしてるんですけど…彼こんなコト言ってたんだ…いつもメッセージを一度に3通~以上は送ってくるから返信が困るな~なんて送ろ。