▼「The definitions of these two words are similar, as shown below.
house: a building in which a person or a family lives
home: a house or apartment where a person or a family lives
The main difference between them is that house is concrete. House refers to a building in which someone lives. In contrast, a home can refer either to a building or to any location that a person thinks of as the place where she lives and that belongs to her. A home can be a house or an apartment, but it could also be a tent, a boat, or an underground cave.
A home can even be something abstract, a place in your mind. When you say, “Let’s go home,” you are probably not talking simply about going to the physical structure where you live. You are talking about being in the special place where you feel most comfortable and that belongs to you. 」=「この2つの言葉の定義は、以下のように似ています。
house: 人や家族が住む建物
▼「Dictionary Meaning: The dictionary meaning of a house is “a building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys.” whereas a home is defined as “the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.”
Context: When you refer to some place as a house, you are referring to the building or structure which exists physically. But when you refer to some place as your home, you are talking about where you and your family live.
Emotional Gaps: The difference between home and house is factually minute, but philosophically, it is huge. When people talk about making a house a home, they mean they want to convert the physical space into one where they feel safe, comfortable and loved with their family. It gives meaning to just the flat or apartment and makes it belong to you. Houses can be of many different shapes and sizes, but a home is the feeling you get when you are living in it. The difference can be further explained by using these two words in different contexts. For example, you can say your friend bought a house or that a builder is developing houses on the side of the highway, but you welcome people to your home or talk about your childhood home with affection.」
=「辞書的な意味: 家の辞書的な意味は、"人が住むための建物、特に1階と1階以上の上階からなる建物 "であるのに対し、家は "人が永住する場所、特に家族・世帯の一員として "と定義されています。
感情的なギャップ: 家と家の違いは、事実的には微々たるものですが、哲学的には非常に大きなものです。家を家にするというのは、物理的な空間を、家族にとって安全で快適で、愛されていると感じられる空間に変えたいという意味です。それは、ただのアパートやマンションに意味を与え、自分のものにすることです。住宅にはさまざまな形や大きさがありますが、家というのは、そこに住んでいるときに感じる感覚です。この違いは、この2つの言葉を異なる文脈で使うことでさらに説明することができます。例えば、友達が家を買ったとか、高速道路の脇で建設業者が家を開発しているとか、でも、あなたは自分の家に人を迎えたり、子供の頃の家について愛情を込めて話したりしますよね。」
「People talk of their home sweet home, but they never say house sweet house. This is a clue that a home means much more to a person than a house.」