- よろしくお願いします
My mother-in-law loves competition and sport, especially golf and tennis. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/askamy/s-2037063?fs sportはなぜ複数形ではないのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 意味を教えてください
The father of this pack was raised by you in your household. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/askamy/s-2037063?fs ここでのpackの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- 訳をよろしくお願いします
My husband and I went to visit our oldest son and his wife. They have three children, ages 6, 9 and 11. The youngest girl screams at the top of her lungs when she does not get her way. She also hits her mother when her mother tries to correct her. The oldest child baits the others to stir up trouble. 最後のセンテンスの訳をよろしくお願いします
- signed up for
Do I have a say if I don't want my boyfriend's two children to live with us? I am childless at the moment (going to college), and do not want this to affect my budget. I am supportive, and he has joint custody. I just cannot commit to being a full-time mom to other children when I don't even have my own. I know what I signed up for, but I've seen great fathers that don't live with their children (like my dad). I know what I signed up forとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- joint custodyの意味
Do I have a say if I don't want my boyfriend's two children to live with us? I am childless at the moment (going to college), and do not want this to affect my budget. I am supportive, and he has joint custody. 国語の質問みたいになってしまいますが、「共同親権(きょうどうしんけん)とは、「子に対する親権を父母の双方が持っていること」。」とあります。He and she have joint custody.なら分かるのですが、he has joint custody.とはどういうことでしょうか?やさしい説明をよろしくお願いします
- よろしくお願いします
A very good friend of mine was to get married. Again -- for (about) the third time. She has called off each wedding with various excuses. was toのところはなぜこのような言い方が使われているのでしょうか?was going toやwouldと置き換えられるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 「want you」と「won't you」の発音
ある70年台の曲の歌詞を見ていたら、ある歌詞の表示には、「want you」、別の歌詞表示には「won't you」と表示されていました。 この二つの言葉の発音よく似ていますが、同じですか? また、母国語とする人なら聞き分けられるものですか? 日常会話なら前後の繋がり(コンテクスト)でわかるものだと思いますが、歌詞だと一種の詩ですから、解り難くなっているように思います。 因みに、もう一箇所、歌詞表示が異なるところがありましたが、明らかに一方は間違えていました。
- 訳をよろしくお願いします
About a year ago, I grew close to a friend and colleague (he is single), slowly at first, but then becoming more and more intimate. There is mutual sexual attraction and we share many of the same intellectual and cultural interests. We both knew I was in no position to divorce, as maintaining a stable environment for my young family is my priority. We tried to keep the intensity level low, which we did at times, but then the intensity kept returning. We shared a brief and limited physical element. 最後のセンテンスの訳をよろしくお願いします
- 相手に説得や同意を求める相槌を中国語では?
相手に説得や自分の気持ちを理解して欲しい時によく相手に軽く頷きながら、終助詞の「な」「ね」で相槌を打ちますが、これは中国ではどう言うでしょうか?中国表記とピンイン(カタカナで)を教えて下さい。宜しくお願いします。 ※解りやすい例で言えば昔やってた踊る大捜査線の2時間特番での湾岸署立てこもり事件で稲垣吾郎が演じる犯人を青島達が説得していたシーンの 青島「…な?」 課長「…ね?」 犯人「…車、用意しなかったらこいつ殺すぞ!!」 課長「は、早く、用意せんか~!!」 みたいな時の「…な?」「…ね?」です。
- 添削してください。
添削してください。 テーマ:思い出 (何が起きて、なぜその思い出があなたにとって大切なのか書きなさい。) One day,I received the math mini-test which had held the other day and felt shocked at the law score.That’s why I asked my friend,who is cleverer than any other student,why couldn’t I pass the test :for at that time I had assumed that the score depends on our own talent.Listened to me,he immediately answered “Only you were lazy.”This word had a great influence on me.If it were not for his word and the memory,I wouldn’t know how important making effort is now.
- 添削してください
米国での銃乱射事件が発生する大きな要因は、州によるものの、原則として銃の所持に個人の自由で、誰でも簡単に銃が手に入る事です。 厳格な許可制があるわけでもなく、米国にも規制はあるものの、とても緩やかです。 射殺事件以外にも、幼い子供による誤射事件も相次いでいる。 A major cause of the gun shooting incident in the United States is that depending on the state, in principle it is person freedom to possess a gun and anyone can easily get a gun. Besides shooting deaths, there are also accident firing incidents caused by young children. 「~以外にも」はbesidesとしました。 except for~かな?とも思ったのですが…あっていますでしょうか? そのほかも、こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。
- 英語訳を作ってください。
以下の和文の英訳をお願いします。 「Rを複素平面の連結領域とし、HをHilbert space, T(λ) (ただしλはRの要素)をempty setでないresolvent setをもつ、H上のclosed operatorとする。Operatorの集合{T(λ)}_(λ∈R)は次の性質をもつとき analytic family in the sense of Katoとよばれる。:Rの各要素λ0に対してρ(T(λ0))の要素z0があって、λ0の十分近くにあるすべてのλに対して、z0はρ(T(λ))の要素であって、(T(λ)-z0)^(-1) は、z0の近くにおいて、λのoperator valued analytic functionである。」
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- sonofajisai
- 回答数1
- よろしくお願いします
You should worry because it is every responsible, sentient parent's job to worry. You've been to the edge of solvency, and you don't want to go back.https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/askamy/s-2038834?fs sentient parent's jobとはどのような意味でしょうか?You've been to the edge of solvencyの意味もよろしくお願いします
- 訳をよろしくお願いします
My wife has costly cosmetic procedures done, frequent massages and alternative therapies, and is liberal with donations to good causes. I hold in my anxiety over the expenditures. 最後のセンテンスの訳をよろしくお願いします
- 英文を教えて下さい。
アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。発送の件で相手にメールをしたいです。すみませんが下記の英文を教えて下さい。お願いします。 「XXまでに集荷と出荷は可能なのですか? 現地は休みに入るのではないのですか?」
- 和訳をよろしくお願いします
A friend asked me to help her plan a menu for a housewarming open house. I'm a foodie, so this is no problem. About 15 folks are invited, including some on politically opposite poles. These people are very vocal opposites. My friend has now put me in charge of keeping the peace, which is not my forte. Since this is a relatively small group, I can't just nudge opposing parties into discretely separate areas, nor can I oversee the food while babysitting highly opinionated adults. I can't just nudge opposing parties into discretely separate areas, nor can I oversee the food while babysitting highly opinionated adults.の和訳をよろしくお願いします
- allegationの訳し方
I am a 21-year-old college student. I've been friends with a fellow student named "Rob" for the past three years. I have never known Rob to be anything but a kind and trustworthy person. For the past two years, Rob has been dating another student at our college, and their relationship seems very healthy. Last night, while scrolling through Facebook, I saw a post made by someone Rob and I barely know, stating that Rob is "an abuser." The post used Rob's full name, so I'm sure it was about my friend. I was shocked and don't know what to do now. I sent Rob a simple message: "Is everything OK?" but haven't heard back, and I don't believe Rob knows about the allegation. I have also been in touch with Rob's girlfriend (who I have come to be friends with), and she responded, "I'm OK," when I asked her how she has been. Do I tell Rob about the post? Several of our mutual friends have stopped talking to Rob in the past few months with no explanation, and I'm starting to wonder if this allegation has something to do with it. ここでのallegationの訳し方を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- lengthとterms
The uncertainty surrounding the length and terms of his stay has caused tension in my relationship with my boyfriend, and more than a few fights. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/askamy/s-2039297?fs とあったのですが、lengthもtermsの同じ「期間」ではないのでしょうか?何か違いはあるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします