- a few months prior
Then I found out from one of his friends that he had a long-term girlfriend of five years who had broken up with him just a few months prior. a few months priorはa few months agoと言うのとどう違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- どのような意味でしょうか
I’ve been married to a wonderful woman, “Jane,” for 12 years. This is a second marriage for both of us, and our children are grown and on their own. We have arranged our money so that we have joint accounts, which cover expenses, savings, and investments, but we also have personal accounts that we’re free to use as we please. Even though Jane makes good money, she is frugal and her hobbies aren’t that expensive. I make a little more than her but have some expensive hobbies, so I do not have anywhere near the ready cash she does. anywhere near the ready cash she doesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- gaps in their education
This year, I’ve worked in a special class for refugee students with gaps in their education, gaps in their educationとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 【英語のボタンという言葉の起源】イギリス、アメリカ
【英語のボタンという言葉の起源】イギリス、アメリカの英語のボタンを意味するButtonの語源はマヤ文明のBという文字の形から取ったのでしょうか? マヤ時代のBが現代のボタンの形にそっくりです。 そして英語のボタンの綴りもBから始まる。 偶然でしょうか?
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- 英語
- america2028
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- 次の英文を訳して下さい。
Moreover, 13 divisions, equipped with 6000 trucks, were organized in a central reserve, ready to be sent where it was needed.General Diaz learned the exact timing of the Austrian attack: 3:00 a.m. on 15 June, so at 2:30 a.m., the Italian artillery opened fire all along their front on the crowded enemy trenches, inflicting heavy casualties. In some sectors the artillery barrage had the effect of delaying or stopping the attack, as Austrian soldiers began to retreat to their defensive positions, believing they had to face an unexpected Italian attack, but on the greater part of the front the Austrians still attacked. Boroević launched the first assault, moving South along the Adriatic coast and in the middle course of the Piave River. The Austrians were able to cross the Piave and gained a bridgehead 15 miles (24 km) wide and 5 miles (8.0 km) deep in the face of Italian heavy resistance, before Boroević was finally stopped and forced to order a retreat. On the subsequent days Boroević renewed the assault, but the artillery barrage destroyed many of the river's bridges and the Austrian formations that crossed the river were unable to receive reinforcement and supplies. To make matters worse, the swollen Piave isolated a great number of units on the west bank of the river, which made them an easy target for the Italian fire. An estimated 20,000 Austro-Hungarian soldiers drowned while trying to reach the east bank. On 19 June, Diaz counterattacked and hit Boroević in the flank, inflicting heavy casualties. In the meantime Conrad attacked along the Italian lines west of Boroević on the Asiago Plateau (on 15 June), with the objective of capturing Vicenza. His forces gained some ground, but came upon stiff resistance by Italian units; 40,000 casualties were added to the Austrian total. In the aftermath, Boroević was particularly critical about the behavior of Conrad who, after the complete failure of the first attack, preferred to continue the assaults in the subsequent days but with diminished strength, rather than send reinforcements to the Piave sector. Lacking supplies and facing attacks by armored units, the Austro-Hungarians were ordered to retreat by Emperor Karl, who had taken personal command, on 20 June. By 23 June, the Italians recaptured all territory on the southern bank of the Piave and the battle was over.After the Austrian retreat Diaz was pressed by the allies, particularly by General Ferdinand Foch, to press on and try an assault to break the Austrian defences and gain a decisive victory over the Empire.
- 日本語訳をお願い致します。
Austria's army had since then longed to achieve these strategic prizes and force Italy into an armistice. Straußenburg's army group commanders, Conrad von Hötzendorf (the former Austrian Chief of Staff) and Svetozar Boroević von Bojna, both wished to make a decisive assault against the Italians, but could not agree about the location of the attack. Conrad wanted an attack from the South Tyrolean Alps towards the Asiago Plateau and Vicenza. Boroević first favored a defensive action, but then when pressed preferred a frontal attack along the Piave River. Straußenburg himself was in favour of an attack on the western part of the front (the "Giudicarie" sector) leading to Brescia. Conrad and Boroević had a dislike for each other, and Straußenburg and the emperor, unable to decide between these two strong personalities, divided the army equally between them, reserving only a small part of the forces for a diversionary action on the Giudicarie sector. The preparation of the offensive began in February 1918, after a meeting in Bolzano between the Austrian and German high commands. It was strongly recommended by the Germans, as Ludendorff hoped that it could force the increasing American forces in France to be diverted to the Italian front, so Straußenburg modeled the attack after Erich Ludendorff's offensive on the Western Front. The Austro-Hungarians, differently from their previous success at Caporetto and from the subsequent attempts to breakthrough on Monte Grappa, did not prepare the attack as a pinpoint one, but as an all-out frontal attack, employing the entire residual strength of their army all along the front. The Austro-Hungarian formations were trained to employ the tactics developed by the Germans on the Western Front for Operation Michael, as Austrian officers returning from the Eastern Front were extensively trained alongside their German counterparts. There were also innovations on the Italian side. Analyzing the defeat of Caporetto, the staff of Armando Diaz concluded that the main tactical causes of it were the lack of mobility of Italian units, caught in a too rigid defensive scheme, the too centralized command and control system, and the lack of depth of Italian defences, where too many soldiers were simply stuck on the frontline. The new schemes prepared for the battle led to the abolition of the continuous entrenchment and in the development of a highly mobile defence system, in which even the smaller units were allowed to freely move between previously recognized strongpoints, independently decide to retreat or counterattack, or directly call the support of the artillery.
- 英文を訳して下さい。
The memoirs of General of Artillery Friedrich Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein were published in 2001 in German language in Tbilisi, Georgia - Editor Dr. David Paitschadse, publishing house Samschoblo, ISBN 99928-26-62-2, online version can be found here The Second Battle of the Piave River, fought between 15 and 23 June 1918, was a decisive victory for the Italian Army against the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I. Though the battle proved to be a decisive blow to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and by extension the Central Powers, its full significance was not initially appreciated in Italy. Yet Erich Ludendorff, on hearing the news, is reported to have said he 'had the sensation of defeat for the first time'. It would later become clear that the battle was in fact the beginning of the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. With the exit of Russia from the war in 1917, Austria-Hungary was now able to devote significant forces to the Italian Front and to receive reinforcements from their German allies. The Austro-Hungarian emperor Karl had reached an agreement with the Germans to undertake a new offensive against Italy, a move supported by both the chief of the general staff Arthur Arz von Straußenburg and the commander of the South Tyrolean Army Group Conrad von Hötzendorf. In the autumn of 1917, the Germans and Austrians had defeated the Italians at the Battle of Caporetto. After Caporetto, the Italians fell back to the Piave and were reinforced by six French infantry divisions and five British infantry divisions as well as sizeable air contingents.Italy's defeat at Caporetto led to General Luigi Cadorna's dismissal and General Armando Diaz replaced him as Chief of staff of the Italian Army. Diaz set up a strong defense line along the Piave. Up until this point in the war, the Italian army had been fighting alone against the Central Powers; with the defeat at Caporetto, France and Britain sent small reinforcements on the Italian front. These, besides accounting for less than a tenth of the Italian forces in theater, had however to be redirected for the major part to the Western Front as soon as the German Spring Offensive began in March 1918.The Austro-Hungarian Army had also recently undergone a change in command, and the new Austrian Chief of Staff, Arthur Arz von Straußenburg, wished to finish off the Italians. After Caporetto, the Austro-Hungarian offensive had put many Italian cities, including Venice and Verona, under the threat of the Central Powers. The Second Battle of the Piave River 第二次ピアーヴェ川の戦い
- 英文を訳して下さい。
The ensuing conflict led to the Battle of Sardarapat (May 21–29), the Battle of Kara Killisse (1918) (May 24–28), and the Battle of Bash Abaran (May 21–24). On May 28, 1918, Georgia, signed the Treaty of Poti with Germany, and welcomed the prospect of a German expedition, seeing the Germans as protectors against the post-Russian Revolution havoc and the Ottoman military advances. The expedition was composed almost exclusively of Bavarian troops and included the 7th Bavarian Cavalry Brigade, reinforced by the 29th Bavarian Infantry Regiment (7th and 9th Jäger Battalions), the 10th Sturm Battalion, 1 machine-gun detachment, and the 176th Mortar Company. It was 3,000 strong and commanded by Major General Friedrich Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein. General Erich Ludendorff was also involved in supervision and organizing the expedition; he personally met Georgian representatives in Berlin, accompanying them to see Kaiser Wilhelm II. Besides the Georgians of Caucasus there were Georgians who served in the Georgian Legion of the German Imperial Army. Many these officers and soldiers were awarded by the Georgian Order of Queen Tamar, issued specifically for the German military personnel. This force was transported by sea from the Crimea to the Georgian Black Sea port of Poti where it landed on June 8, 1918, and was later reinforced by the German troops recalled from Syria and Ukraine for service in Georgia. The Ottoman Empire had the Third Army in the region.On June 4 under direct threat of the Ottoman 3rd Army which had advanced to within 7 km of Yerevan and 10 km of Echmiadzin, the First Republic of Armenia signed the Treaty of Batum. On June 10, the German force arrived at Tiflis, the capital of Georgia, and held a joint German-Georgian military parade in the city’s main thoroughfare. The German expedition was soon joined by the former German prisoners of war in Russia and the mobilized Württemberg colonists who had settled in Georgia in the mid-19th century. Combined German-Georgian garrisons were stationed in various regions of Georgia, including Poti, Ochamchire, Kutaisi, and Borchalo.The arrival of the German troops in Georgia coincided with the growing German-Turkish rivalry for Caucasian influence and resources, notably the oilfields near Baku, Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, on the Caspian and the associated rail and pipeline connection to Batumi on the Black Sea (Baku-Batumi pipeline).
- 扇型と扇形
石畳の道で、扇状に石を並べてある道がありますが、 その道を「扇がた」と言いたい場合、 扇型・扇形はどちらが正しいのでしょうか? ご回答お願い致します。
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- 日本語・現代文・国語
- pahyu01
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- 議決権の英語3ケースについて
(1) Voting power which includes the power to vote, or to direct the voting of, such security; and/or, (2) Investment power which includes the power to dispose, or to direct the disposition of, such security. 以上の英文でVoting power ,power to vote,direct the votingの3つ全てが議決権を意味しているように思われるのですが,3者間に違いはあるのでしょうか?
- 露語のДが顔文字に使われる理由とその顔文字の意味を
ロシア語の5番目のアルファベット「Д」が 顔文字に使われるのは、何故なんでしょうか? それと、顔文字の「Д」の意味するところを お教えください。 何卒、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
- some books to readの形で
不定詞の形容詞的用法についてご教授ください。 book to readとは言いますが、 book to be read とは見た覚えがありません。この表現が可能な状況はないものでしょうか。 また book to read とは言いますが money to need も(形式的には可能な気もしますが)見ないです。 「~するのに必要な金」なら money needed to do something となるのが普通ですが meney to need, or money to be needed ではなぜ不可なのかがよく分かりません。 素朴な質問で恐縮ですが 宜しくお願いします。
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- 英語
- mesenfants
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- 1.出羽の守(でわのかみ)は陸奥(秋田、山形の一部
1.出羽の守(でわのかみ)は陸奥(秋田、山形の一部)を治める役人の意味だったのに、近代では日本などを他国を引き合いに相対的な評価を下したり、「他国の政治文化制度体制は素晴らしいのに日本はそれに至らない」と揶揄する意味になったのだろうか? 2.皆さんは出羽の守をどのような形で使われますでしょうか? 日本語カテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。
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- 日本語・現代文・国語
- 加藤
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- culturally appropriating
My best friend is getting married late this year to an Indian American guy, and she has asked me to be in her wedding. She and I are both white. Her fiancé has made it clear that he wants many elements of a traditional Indian wedding to be in this ceremony, including the clothes that my friend and her bridal party will be wearing. It’s important to him and to his family that she and her bridesmaids participate in a henna-painting ceremony as well. My friend and I are worried—are we culturally appropriating? culturally appropriatingとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- noとnotの違いについて
「それはあなたにとって良くありません」を英文で表すとき、 That is no better for you. That is not better for you. のどちらでも表現できますか? また、両者に違いはありますか?
- なぜ韓朝首脳会談は外の広場?公園?で20分間の会談
なぜ韓朝首脳会談は外の広場?公園?で20分間の会談が行われたのでしょうか? 野外なのでスナイパーから狙撃される恐れもあったはずです。 そして案の定、超望遠カメラで双方の首脳の会話内容は世界各国の情報機関に分析されて会話内容は全世界に筒抜けになりました。 極秘会談のはずなのにメディアも締め出しての会談だったのになぜ世界に会話内容が筒抜けになる対談方式を取ったのでしょう?
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- 韓国語
- gasshop2017
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