T. H. SUTTON SOTHERON [of the committee]: A mere calculation of good tables would not be sufficient to secure the society; you must have good rules as well?
SANDERS: So far from that, I would rather trust a society with moderate
tables and good rules, than a high one with bad rules.
SIR H. HALFORD [of the committee]: The stringency of the rules consists in the smallness of the payments?
SANDERS: Of course, it consists in the limitations we place upon insurance; we do not allow our members to insure such an amount in sickness, as, looking at their circumstances and income, would prove a temptation to fraud.
HALFORD: You do not refer to any strict supervision as to the reality of
SANDERS: That is inquired into, of course; we pay nothing but upon a surgeon’s certificate. In addition to that, the parties are visited by ordinary members, and those visits are weekly reported to the secretary.
HALFORD: Of course you interdict their work during sickness?
SANDERS: Our rules on that point are more stringent than most.
T.H. Sutton Sotheron[委員会]:単なる優れたと一覧表と優れた規則は社会を保証するには十分ではないでしょう。貴方にも優れた規則が必要ですか?
Sir H. Halford[委員会]:規則の厳格さは支払金の小ささに左右される(ということですか)?
(1) T. H. SUTTON SOTHERON [of the committee]: A mere calculation of good tables would not be sufficient to secure the society; you must have good rules as well?
★"the society" とありますが、この文脈がわからないので「団体」としておきましたが、一般的な「社会」かもしれません。
(2) SANDERS: So far from that, I would rather trust a society with moderate tables and good rules, than a high one with bad rules.
(3) SIR H. HALFORD [of the committee]: The stringency of the rules consists in the smallness of the payments?
★"consist in" を「~に左右される」と訳してしまうと、原文の意味からかなり離れてしまうと思います。
(4) SANDERS: Of course, it consists in the limitations we place upon insurance; we do not allow our members to insure such an amount in sickness, as, looking at their circumstances and income, would prove a temptation to fraud.
★"as ... would prove a temptation to fraud" は倒置の形を取っていて、普通の語順に変えると "as a temptation to fraud would prove" になり、この as を which に変えた方が僕らにはわかりやすくなると思います。
(5) HALFORD: You do not refer to any strict supervision as to the reality of sickness?
(6) SANDERS: That is inquired into, of course; we pay nothing but upon a surgeon’s certificate. In addition to that, the parties are visited by ordinary members, and those visits are weekly reported to the secretary.
(7) HALFORD: Of course you interdict their work during sickness?
(8) SANDERS: Our rules on that point are more stringent than most.
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