The Impact of Increased Food Supply and Changes in Food Production
Learn about the impact of increased food supply, changes in food production, and sophisticated food advertising on the price of calories and the availability of convenience foods.
Understand why the phrase 'increased food supply combined with major changes' is used with 'have cut' instead of 'has cut' and the grammatical rules behind it.
Discover how informal expressions like 'A combined with B' can sometimes use plural verbs, even if the subject appears to be singular.
Increased food supply combined with major changes in food production and sophisticated food advertising have cut the price of calories dramatically and made convenience foods all too available.
元ネタ 知恵袋、 筑波大学の入試問題のようです。
Increased food supply が主語だと思うのですが、なぜ、動詞が has cut ではなくて、have cut になっているのですか?僕が考えているのは、前置詞を含む主語の場合の用法です。A with B は意味上は複数であるが、一般に動詞は A に一致させる。ですが、くだけた表現では、A が単数の場合も複数動詞を用いることがある、と文法書にあります。
Richard, with his wife, are at the door.
一番の疑問は、Increased food supply combined with major changes が上記の用法に当てはまるのかということです。A combined with B で主語と考えられますか?また、文法的には has cut が正しいのでしょうか?教えてください。