Jackson did not enter the presidency with any strong political ideas. As I
mentioned before, the election of 1828 was a very ugly one and some ways, a
very personal one. But in general, Jackson was a strong supporter of the rights of
the individual states to make certain decisions on their own behalf.
There is this constant tension, this constant pull in American politics between the national
government, the federal government, and the state governments. How much
power should the national government have versus the state governments? This
is a constant theme in American history, and in the Jackson presidency, it’s one
in which the states tended to be the winning party – tended to be favored in
terms of the power they had.
以上の文章で最後の方にある”it’s one
in which the states tended to be the winning party "について、
one は一つという数を意味するのでしょうか。1つという意味だとしても、その文の意味が今一つわかりません。
in which 以下は「州は勝っている政党に入る傾向にあった」という意味だと思うのですが、
ご回答有難うございました。 確かにGoogle翻訳ではそう出ますね。 ところが訳された意味もよく判らず苦慮しております。