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John Murphy's Patient Story: Up and Running Again
(1)At the age of 45, John Murphy, an active runner and successful marketing executive, had a stroke.
In 2005, on the night of the Chicago Marathon, while celebrating with family members at a local bowling alley, his hamstring severely cramped up. While on the ground stretching, John experienced numbness in one of his arms and was unable to get up.
(2)A bystander noticed this irregularity and called 911. "I could'nt get up and couldn't move anything on the left side of my body," said John, "I remember doctors poking a pin into my foot to see if I could feel anything, but I couldn't. It was shocking."
(3)Returning to the Prime of His Life:After four days in the ICU, John was admitted to the RIC (Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago) Prime of Life Stroke Rehabilitation Program, which is designed for people with stroke whose active lives demand more aggressive intervention. The program focuses on not only rehabilitating people with stroke whose active lives demand more aggressive intervention.
The program focuses on not only rehabilitating people after a stroke, but also educating them about preventing complications and subsequent strokes.
(4)I encountered RIC at a critical point in my recovery," said John, "I felt I really got the level of attention and motivation I needed to make good progress." As part of the Prime of Life program, John worked with physical therapists to regain strength and coordination on his affected left side. Specific exercises prescribed by the therapists helped John regain his balance end, eventually, the ability to walk again.
(5)The Best Care:"Having been a runner all these years, I have nursed two broken ankles and plenty of sprains and strains through physical therapy, so I thought I knew what rehabilitation was going to be like. But the therapists and doctor at RIC were constantly educating me on how and why they had me do what I was doing," said John, "I have never encountered that level of interaction in rehabilitation before and I think it made all the difference in emprowering me to work harder."
(6)Today:Today John has returned to work in Austin, Texas as a markeing executive with a software provider. He is running again, traveling, and playing golf. In late spring, less than a year after his stroke, he returned to RIC to visit his therapists and others from the stroke program."John and I joke around about runnning the 2007 Chicago Marathon because we were both in the marathon on that October morning in 2005," said Lori. "When he left RIC as an inpatient, the last thing he said to me was, 'See you at the finishline!' I have no doubt that I will see him there next October."