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Foreigner SGI: The Truth Behind the Changes in SGI Doctrines
- A shocking revelation about the Soka Gakkai International (SGI): its doctrines have drastically changed, leading to the unhappiness of its members.
- The teachings of Nichiren-Daishonin and Ikeda-Sensei no longer align with the current SGI faith, causing confusion and discontent.
- The Gohonzon, considered the most important symbol in Nichiren-Daishonin's Buddhism, has been revealed to be fake, leading to a crisis of faith among SGI members.
- みんなの回答 (4)
- 専門家の回答
Please spread to as many people as possible, and save SGI members. If we thought SGI members can expect a happy future by continuing to have faith in SGI, we would not advise them to leave SGI. Sadly this is not the case: [Reasons for leaving SGI] 1. SGI teaching is contrary to the teaching of Nichiren-Daishonin. 2. SGI teaching is contrary to that of Ikeda-Sensei. 3. Because Gohonzon is a fake. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ All the disciples of the First Chairman Makiguchi and the Second Chairman Toda, have left SGI. Why? The reason is that the doctrine of Gohonzon has become the opposite of what it initially set out to be. The First Chairman Makiguchi, and the Second Chairman Toda, and the Third Chairman Ikeda; they all believed as follows: Gohonzon must be true to the teachings of Nichiren-Daishonin. If the most important Gohonzon is fake, it is not Nichiren-Daishonin's Buddhism. It is a big mistake to worship a fake Gohonzon made up by someone. Worshipping a fake Gohonzon is a heresy Buddhism. Worshipping a fake Gohonzon does not bring one happiness. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ However, the Sixth Chairman Harada changed the SGI doctrines. SGI took a photo of the real Gohonzon. SGI has then falsified the photo with a computer. SGI has created a fake Gohonzon by printing the photo. This is a fake Gohonzon that turns against the teachings of Nichiren-Daishonin. On November 8, 2015, the SGI Chairman Harada said, "SGI does not need Gohonzon of Nichiren-Daishonin." ”SGI memebers should worship Gohonzon created by SGI.” At this point, SGI abandoned Nichiren-Daishonin's teaching completely. SGI has become a totally new religion that has nothing to do with the faith of Nichiren-Daishonin. In spite of this, SGI frequently uses Nichiren-Daishonin's name and doctrines. For this reason, many people assume that SGI follows Nichiren-Daishonin's teachings. In this way, SGI has been deceiving naive and uninformed believers alike. The reason why Chairman Harada was able to make such a reckless action, was that Ikeda-Sensei fell ill. As a result of his illness, Ikeda-Sensei could not take command. Ikeda-Sensei had in fact been unconscious for some period. During that time, Chairman Harada changed the teachings of Ikeda-Sensei. However, Ikeda-Sensei has since recovered with strength. An ordinary person would probably not have recoverd, but not Ikeda-Sensei. The only after-effect Ikeda-Sensei has suffered, is difficulty in walking. This is not a disgrace at all. There are many people who have difficulty walking. However, the Headquarters Executive Department considered the sight of Ikeda-Sensei in a wheelchair an embarrassment, and hid the physical condition of Ikeda-Sensei. Moreover, Headquarter Executive Department announced to SGI members that Ikeda-Sensei changed the SGI doctrines. To counter such an annoucement, executives of Ikeda-Sensei's disciples protested against Headquarters Executive Department: “That is contrary to Ikeda-Sensei's teaching.” “Don't fool SGI members.” The true message of Ikeda-Sensei has been completely changed by the Headquarters Executive Department. All of Ikeda-Sensei's disciples who protested against it were expelled from SGI. Today's Soka-Gakkai is based on teachings totally different from those of Ikeda-Sensei. The people who remain in Soka-Gakkai are far from the disciples of Ikeda-Sensei. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
その他の回答 (3)
- cbm51901
- ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)
>「(彼らの)直系の子孫たち」を指す場合、この2つのどちらを用いても、英語圏の人に違和感はないですか? ⇒ どちらを用いても良いと思います。敢えて比較するとすれば、 「direct descendants」= こちらの方が一般的で分かり易い表現だと思います。 「lineal descendants」= どちらかというと法律用語的な要素を持っていると感じます(硬いイメージ)。
- cbm51901
- ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)
> I want to mean the word "disciples" to mean "children and grandchildren", is it the correct by changing it to "descendants"? ⇒ Yes, please change the word to "descendants". Decsendants can also mean "younger generation of students", so I think it is very appropriate. For your reference: https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=descendant
なるほどですね。 大変勉強になります。 「direct-descendants」=「直系・直接的の子孫たち」 「lineal-descendants」=「直系の子孫たち」 「(彼らの)直系の子孫たち」を指す場合、この2つのどちらを用いても、英語圏の人に違和感はないですか?
- double_triode
- ベストアンサー率26% (520/1996)
I registered Daisuke as a fan of OKWAVE. Reading Daisuke's translation, I thought that my translation was a sentence that made the other person uncomfortable. Daisuke thought about the feelings of the person who read the sentence and changed it into a good sentence. Thank you for answering in real English used by people in the English country, not English like the documents I learned in Japan.
I appreciate your splendid answer. 「All the disciples of the First Chairman Makiguchi and the Second Chairman Toda, have left SGI.」 I want to mean the word "disciples" to mean "children and grandchildren", is it the correct by changing it to "descendants"?