Unfortunately, it is reminds the simple idea that women's happiness is marriage in Japanese society.
By resolving the gender gap, the responsibility that having women and men release, and it shows independence each other.
>Unfortunately, it is reminds the simple idea that women's happiness is marriage in Japanese society.
*…であるという単純な考え方が~に残っている:the simple idea that … remains in ~。
Unfortunately, the simple idea that women's happiness is marriage still remains in Japanese society.
>By resolving the gender gap, the responsibility that having women and men release, and it shows independence each other.
☆(家庭を持った時男性と女性にはそれぞれ責任がある、と言う考えがいまだにある。)の部分は、→(家庭を持った時、男性と女性にはそれぞれに属する特有の責任がある、という考えがいまだにある。)のように変えさせていただいて、これを訳します。:(There is still the idea that men and women have specific responsibilities belonging to each when having a family.)。
*男女差別を解決することによって:By resolving the gender gap / By eliminating gender discrimination。
☆「男女が持っている責任を解放させ、そしてそれはそれぞれが互いに自立する事を示す。」の部分は、いまいち意味がはっきりしませんので、→「それぞれが持つ責任を解放することができ、そしてそのことは男女が互いに自立することにつながる。」のように変えさせていただいて、これを訳します。:it is possible to release the responsibilities of each one, which leads to independence between men and women.
⇒(There is still the idea that men and women have specific responsibilities belonging to each when having a family.) By resolving the gender gap / By eliminating gender discrimination, it is possible to release the responsibilities of each one, which leads to independence between men and women.
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