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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:なぜ進行形なのでしょうか)

Why is she not going to the teachers lounge?

  • My daughter, who has a master's degree in education and spent three years as a nanny, recently started her first teaching job with second-grade children. However, her experience at the school has been difficult because of an older teacher who runs the show and makes her life miserable. This teacher has created a negative environment in the teachers lounge, where gossip and negativity thrive. As a result, my daughter made the decision to stop going to the teachers lounge. This has caused her to be seen as unsociable and cold by the other teachers. But why is she not going to the teachers lounge in the first place?
  • The reason my daughter is not going to the teachers lounge is because it has become a place for gossiping about other teachers and parents, as well as speaking negatively about the children. She wants to focus on her job and create a positive environment for her students, which is why she chooses to avoid the toxic atmosphere in the teachers lounge. However, this decision has led the other teachers to perceive her as unsociable and cold.
  • The decision to not go to the teachers lounge is based on my daughter's desire to maintain professionalism and create a positive learning environment for her students. By avoiding the negative atmosphere in the teachers lounge, she can focus on her job and ensure that her students receive the best education possible. While this decision has caused her to be viewed as unsociable by her colleagues, it is a choice she has made in order to prioritize her students' well-being.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>she wasn't going to the teachers loungeは文全体が過去形なので過去形になっているのは分かるのですが、なぜ進行形なのでしょうか? ⇒be going toは一種の未来形です。つまり、この場合、「彼女(教員になった私の娘)は教員ラウンジに行きそうもなかった(ので)」と言っている場面です。 ☆「私の娘は教員ラウンジに行くのをやめました。なぜなら、そこは他の先生や親のゴシップを語り、子供たちについてひどいことを話す場所だったからです。彼女は校長室に引きこまれて、他の先生たちが彼女を『冷たくて』非社交的な人だと思っていると聞かされました。というのも、彼女は教員ラウンジに行きそうもないからでした。」




その他の回答 (1)

  • mt_mh
  • ベストアンサー率24% (284/1158)




