• ベストアンサー
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Conflicted between staying at my current school and transferring out

  • I'm a sophomore in college and I'm conflicted between staying at my current school and transferring out to a top school. Although I have great friends and a scholarship at my current school, the environment and academics don't feel right to me. The majority of students commute, there's no school spirit, and the academics feel too easy. On the other hand, the top school I got into is a better fit academically and environmentally, but I'll have to leave my friends and the financial support from my scholarship behind.
  • A strong sense of apathy in just about everything non-school related means that there is a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for activities and events outside of the school setting at my current school. It seems like most students are not engaged or passionate about things that are not directly related to their academic studies.
  • When I say 'I'm cruising', it means that I'm coasting through my classes without much effort or challenges. The academics at my current school are not stimulating enough for me, so I'm not putting in as much effort as I did in high school. This has caused my work ethic to regress.


  • ベストアンサー

1.もっといい大学に移りたいという気持ちと,友人や奨学金を失いたくないという気持ちが,せめぎあっている。 2.いまいちよくわかりませんが,大学の活気がないというくだりを受けて,「学生たちは大学の外のことにばかり強い関心をいだいている」。 3.漫然と時間をすごしている。 4.いまの大学の文学部(人文学部)は,それほど勢力が強くない。いろいろな意味にとれますが,教育水準が低い,予算が少ない,有力な教員が少ない,優秀な学生が集まらないなど。



