Political scientist Rudolf Rummel discusses the dangers of state power
The violence that makes states effective also makes them dangerous
Rummel believes that absolute power leads to absolute killing
Why did political scientist Rudolf Rummel say about the power of states?
(なぜRudolf Rummelは国家の力について語ったのか)という質問があります。
Jared Diamond is wrong about one thing, though. At their worst states are far worse than kleptocracies; they are killing machines. The violence that make the state effective is also what makes it dangerous. Violence is power, and most people have heard the words of the English historian Lord Acton that, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” American political scientist Rudolph Rummel has an even gloomier claim: “Power kills; absolute power kills absolutely.”
(しかし、Jared Diamondは一つ間違っていることがある。 最もひどい国家は、収奪政治[国家]よりはるかに悪いです。 それらは殺すマシンです。 国家を効果的にする暴力は、それを危険なものにする。 暴力は権力である。英国の歴史家であるアクトンの言葉を多くの人が聞いたことがあります。「力は腐敗しがちで、絶対的な力は必ず腐敗する」アメリカの政治学者、Rudolf Rummelはさらに悲観的な主張をしています。 絶対的な力は絶対に殺される」)
He described it because violence makes the state effective but more dangerous. He thinking absolute power kills absolutely.
>He described it because violence makes the state effective but more dangerous. He thinking absolute power kills absolutely.
He described it because the violence makes the state effective but at the same time makes it dangerous. Agreeing with Lord Acton he deplores, “Power kills; absolute power kills absolutely.”
☆Agreeing with Lord Acton he deplores ~「彼はアクトン卿に賛同して、~と嘆いている」。
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