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The Capture of Ali Muntar

  • Ali Muntar was captured by the infantry and New Zealanders during a coordinated attack in Gaza.
  • The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade and the Canterbury Mounted Rifles Regiment played a crucial role in the capture of Ali Muntar.
  • Despite strong resistance, the New Zealanders slowly advanced through the orchards and cactus hedges to the outskirts of the town.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>Between 16:30 and 17:00, Ali Muntar was captured by the infantry and the dismounted New Zealanders. The Canterbury Mounted Rifles Regiment had pushed along 'The Ridge' from the rear to assist in the attack, one squadron swinging south against Ali Muntar to enter the defenders' trenches just after the infantry. By dusk the light horsemen had reached the northern and western outskirts of the town. ⇒16時30分から17時までの間で、アリ・ムンターは歩兵連隊と下馬したニュージーランド隊によって攻略された。カンタベリー騎馬ライフル連隊は、攻撃を援助するために後衛部から「峰」に沿って押し入った。そして、1個戦隊が歩兵連隊の直後に守備隊の塹壕に侵入するためにアリ・ムンターに対して南側に転進した。夕暮れまでに、軽騎馬隊が町の北や西の郊外に到着していた。 >The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade's dismounted fighters advanced from Jebaliye against the east and northeast of Gaza to assist in the capture of Ali Muntar, before pushing on through a very enclosed region. This area was intersected with cactus hedges, buildings, and rifle pits occupied by defending riflemen, who strongly resisted the attackers. ⇒ニュージーランド騎馬ライフル旅団の下馬した戦士は、ジェバリエからガザの東と北東に進軍して、極めて閉鎖的な隔離地域に押し込む前にアリ・ムンターの攻略を援助した。この地域はサボテン柵壁や建物、それと攻撃隊に頑強に抵抗するライフル射手が潜む射撃壕で区切られていた。 >Despite considerable opposition the New Zealanders continued to slowly advance through the orchards and cactus hedges to the outskirts of the town. During this advance, the Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment captured two 77-mm Krupp guns with limbers and ammunition. Shortly afterwards, their progress was stopped by snipers in several houses on the eastern outskirts of the town. ⇒かなりの反抗があったにもかかわらず、ニュージーランド軍は町の郊外に向って果樹園やサボテン柵壁の中をゆっくり進み続けた。この進軍の間、ウエリントン騎馬ライフル連隊は、口径77ミリのクルップ砲を砲車と弾薬付で2門捕獲した。その後まもなく、彼らの進軍は、町の東側郊外の数軒の家に潜む狙撃隊によって食い止められた。




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