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The Battle of Mansura: A Historic WWI Encounter

  • The Battle of Mansura was a significant encounter during World War I, where multiple brigades fought their way forward towards Clay Hill.
  • The 161st (Essex) Brigade of the 54th (East Anglian) Division played a crucial role in capturing Green Hill and filling the gap between the 158th (North Wales) and 160th (Welsh Border) Brigades.
  • By 15:30, the 161st (Essex) Brigade had reached Mansura and successfully entered the defenders' trenches, capturing several enemy soldiers.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>On the right the 158th (North Wales) Brigade's 1/5th Royal Welsh Fusiliers battalion reached the cactus hedges south of Ali Muntar, where they paused to wait for supporting battalions to come up on their right. Along with the 159th (Cheshire) Brigade, these two brigades slowly fought their way forward towards Clay Hill. Meanwhile, Dallas ordered the 161st (Essex) Brigade of the 54th (East Anglian) Division to capture Green Hill and fill the gap between the 158th (North Wales) and 160th (Welsh Border) Brigades (53rd Division). ⇒右翼では、第158(北ウェールズ)旅団の第1/5王立ウェールズ・フージリア(火打石銃兵)大隊がアリ・ムンター南のサボテン柵壁に着き、そこで彼らは支持大隊が右側面に近づくのを待つために暫時足を止めた。第159(チェシャー)旅団を加えてこれら2個旅団がクレイ・ヒル方面へ自軍の戦陣を前進させた。一方、ダラスは、第54(東アングル)師団所属の第161(エセックス)旅団に対して、グリーン・ヒルを攻略し、第158(北ウェールズ)や第160(ウェールズ・ボーダー)旅団(第53師団)との間の間隙を埋めるよう命令した。 >By 15:30 the 161st (Essex) Brigade had reached Mansura and they were in a position to launch their attack at 16:00 with the arrival of the 271st Brigade RFA. The fire from this artillery brigade dampened the hostile machine gun fire from Clay Hill, and at 15:50, 45 minutes after the 161st (Essex) Brigade joined the battle, the infantry succeeded in entering the defenders' trenches. They entered at two places to the east of the Ali Muntar mosque, capturing 20 German and Austrian soldiers and another 20 Ottoman soldiers. ⇒15時30分までには、第161(エセックス)旅団がマンスーラに到着し、第271旅団RFA(Royal Field Artillery、王立野戦砲兵隊)の到着を待って、16時に攻撃を開始すべく陣を張っていた。この砲兵旅団からの砲火がクレイ・ヒルからの敵軍の機関銃砲火を弱めて、第161(エセックス)が参戦した45分後の15時50分に、歩兵連隊は守備軍の塹壕への侵入を果たした。彼らはアリ・ムンターのモスク東方の2か所から入り込んで、20人のドイツ軍とオーストリア軍兵士、およびもう20人のオスマントルコ軍兵士を捕らえた。


