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New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade's Final Assault - Capture of Ottoman Redoubts

  • The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade launched their final assault on the central redoubt, capturing it in a bayonet charge.
  • They used machine-guns and coordinated with the 1st Light Horse Brigade to advance within 400 yards of the main Ottoman position.
  • With the central redoubt captured, the 1st and 3rd Light Horse Brigades advanced and captured the remaining redoubts.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>At about 16:30, the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade launched its final assault on the central redoubt from the north-west, the north and the north-east. Lacking artillery support, they made determined use of machine-guns on the firing line, crossing fire to get better targets, and co-operating with the machine-guns of the 1st Light Horse Brigade to cover the advance to within 400 yards (370 m) of the main Ottoman position. ⇒16時30分頃に、ニュージーランド騎馬ライフル隊は、北西、北、北東から中心砦に対する最終的な攻撃を開始した。砲兵隊の支持がなくなったので、彼らは最前線で機関銃を使って決然と攻撃した。そして、よりうまく標的を捉えるために砲火を横切り、主要オスマントルコ軍陣地の400ヤード(370m)以内への前進を掩護する第1軽騎馬旅団の機関銃と協力して行動した。 >They captured the central redoubt in a final bayonet charge, at the run, many of the soldiers firing as they went. From their captured position in the dominating central redoubt, they were able to enfilade other redoubts still held by Ottoman defenders. ⇒兵士の多くが、走りながら発砲し、発砲しながら走る最終的な銃剣突撃で、中心砦を占領した。彼らは、占領した支配的な中心砦の位置から、まだオスマントルコ軍守備隊の占拠する他の砦に縦射することができた。 >With the New Zealanders holding the dominant redoubt, the 1st and the 3rd Light Horse Brigades were able to advance and capture the remaining redoubts on their fronts. ⇒ニュージーランド軍は支配的な砦を占拠し、第1、第3軽騎馬旅団は進軍して、前線に残る他の砦を占領することができた。



