• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を訳して下さい。)

Mistake of Leaving Ammunition Vehicles Proved Costly

  • The mistake of leaving ammunition vehicles behind proved costly as the attack wavered. The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade ran out of ammunition for four machine-guns and the Inverness-shire Battery had to withdraw.
  • Chauvel ordered a fresh effort against the redoubts while a sustained artillery barrage continued. However, the Ottoman machine-gun officer and three German soldiers revealed that their regiment had left Shellal to reinforce the Rafa garrison.
  • Shellal, which was about three and a half hours away, was left without ammunition and had to withdraw.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Although Chauvel called for further effort, the mistake of leaving the ammunition vehicles behind proved costly, as the attack wavered. The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade ran out of ammunition for four of its machine-guns and the Inverness-shire Battery ran out of shells and had to withdraw. ⇒ショーヴェルが更なる努力を要求したが、攻撃先が揺れ動いたので、弾薬車輌を後方に置いておくという誤りは高くつくことが分かった。ニュージーランド騎馬ライフル旅団は機関銃4丁の弾薬が尽き、さらに、インヴァネスシャー砲兵中隊は榴弾が尽きて、退去しなければならなくなった。 >At 14:30 Chauvel ordered a fresh effort against the C group of redoubts to begin at 15:30, while a sustained artillery barrage was to continue on these redoubts until then. However, 15 minutes later, an Ottoman machine-gun officer and three German soldiers, captured by the troop of the Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment keeping watch towards Shellal, stated that their 160th Regiment had left Shellal on the Wadi Ghuzzeh when the attack had begun, to reinforce the Rafa garrison. Shellal was between ten and thirteen miles (16 and 21 km) or about three and a half hours away. ⇒砦に対する継続的集中砲火が(その時まで)続くことになっていた14時30分に、ショーヴェルは15時30分から(再度)始まるC砦グループに対する攻撃には、新たな戦闘努力を注ぎ込むよう命じた。ところが、シェラル方向を見張っていたウエリントン騎馬ライフル連隊の部隊が、15分後に捕えたオスマントルコ人機関銃将校と3人のドイツ軍兵士の述べるところでは、攻撃が始まったときラファ駐屯軍を補強するために彼らの第160連隊がワジ・グゼフ(オアシス)のシェラルに残ったという。シェラルは10~13マイル(16~21キロ)、または、およそ3時間半の地点であった。




