論文は、市民農園の利用者と非利用者とで疾患数・well-being・身体活動頻度などを比較した論文になります。(引用:Agnes E van den Bergら(2010)Allotment gardening and health: comparative survey among allotment gardeners and their neighbors without an allotment, Environmental Health 2010, 9:74)
Data were analyzed with SPSS 17.0. Chi-square and Student’s t-test were used to calculate and compare baseline descriptives. The data of allotment gardeners (and neighbors of the gardeners) were hierarchically nested within allotment sites. However, the intraclass correlations, computed with mixed model analyses of variance, were mostly zero or very small (≤ .06) for all dependent measures, indicating that it was not necessary to control for clustering within sites. Because the control group of neighbors did not live directly next door to the home addresses of allotment gardeners in the present study, it was also not possible nor necessary to control for dependencies between pairs of neighboring participants. Group differences in unadjusted mean scores on health, well-being and physical activity measures were analyzed using a general linear model without covariates (ANOVA). To examine impacts of allotment gardening in younger and older age groups, respondents were divided into an older and a younger group, with the average age of retirement in the Netherlands of 62 years as the cut-off point [40]. This cut-off point of 62 years also happened to represent the 50th percentile of the age data. The combined impacts of allotment gardening and age on measures of health, well-being and physical activity were estimated in a covariate adjusted general linear model (ANCOVA) with allotment gardening (allotment gardeners/neighbors) and age (<62 yrs/≥ 62 yrs) as factors and gender, education level, income, access to a garden at home, physical activity in winter, and stressful life events as covariates. Correlation tests did not show problems of multicollinearity for the covariates. Relationships between gardening characteristics and health and well-being among allotment gardeners were explored by means of supplementary linear regression analyses. Although the distributions of number of GP consults, chronic diseases, and loneliness were positively skewed, analyses of the log-transformed data yielded patterns of outcomes that were very similar to those of the untransformed data. Therefore, results are reported based on the analysis of untransformed data.