• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を訳して下さい。)

Russian Commander-in-Chief's Failed Attack and the Mutiny of the Siberian Units

  • The Russian Commander-in-Chief's attack was halted due to a lack of reinforcements, except for the 17th Siberian Regiment, which refused to go into battle.
  • The mutiny of the Siberian units, supported by other units from the II and VI Siberian Army Corps, foreshadowed the Russian Revolution.
  • While the mutiny disrupted the Russian battle-plan, the Germans received substantial reinforcements and launched a counter-attack on the breached defences.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>At this point the attack was stopped as the Russian Commander-in-Chief had no reinforcements on hand to put into the action apart from 17th Siberian Regiment, which refused to go to battle, this mutiny was supported by several other units from the II and VI Siberian Army Corps, and an augury of things to come in the Russian Revolution. ⇒この時点で、ロシア軍司令官にとって、第17シベリア連隊からは別として、攻撃に注ぎ込める強化隊が手に入らなかったので、攻撃は止められた。しかもそれ(第17シベリア連隊)は、戦いへ行くのを拒否したが、この反抗気運は第II、第VIシベリア方面軍団から来た他の数個部隊と、ロシア革命で始まりそうな前兆感によって下支えされていた。 >Whilst the mutiny by the Siberian units on the field caused a halt in the Russian battle-plan, the Germans were receiving substantial troop reinforcement from Jelgava, and quickly launched a counter-attack upon the Russian and Latvian positions in their breached defences. ⇒野戦場のシベリア部隊による反抗がロシア軍の戦闘計画に停止を引き起こしている間に、ドイツ軍はジェルガヴァから相当な強化部隊を受け取っていて、彼らの破られた防衛施設の中からロシア・ラトビア軍陣地を目がけて素早い反撃を開始した。




