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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を日本語訳して下さい。)

Latvian Soldiers Capture First German Battle Line

  • Latvian soldiers successfully captured the first German battle line after a brief fight.
  • Despite facing the risk of being spotted by the Germans, many Latvian soldiers chose to freeze to death rather than betray their fellow Latvian brothers.
  • The battle continued for the next two days, with heavy fighting within the breached position and the Germans receiving reinforcements.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>Successfully getting over the German Wall they captured the first German battle line after a brief fight. Many of the soldiers couldn't make it to the wall and didn't have a way to retreat without the Germans spotting them, all of those Latvians chose freezing to death(whilst not moving) over betraying their fellow Latvian brothers. ⇒「ドイツの壁」を何とかうまく乗り越えて、彼らは短い戦いの後ドイツ軍の最初の戦線を攻略した。壁にたどり着くことができない兵士も多く、ドイツ軍に狙われずに退く方法もなかったので、そういうラトビア兵は全員、仲間のラトビア人兄弟に対する背信行為をするより、(動かないまま)凍死することを選んだ。 >The battle continued over the next two days with varying success, as all the Latvian units became involved in heavy fighting within the breached position and the German defence stiffened as it received reinforcements from Jelgava. In further fighting the German second defensive line at Mangali homestead fell to the assaulting forces. ⇒戦いは次の2日の間続き、すべてのラトビア部隊が突破した陣地内での激戦に関与したが、ドイツの防御軍もジェルガヴァから増援隊を受け入れて守りを堅めたので、その戦果は様々に変動した。(しかし、結局)更なる戦いにおいて、マンガリ農場にあるドイツ軍の第2防御線も、襲撃する軍団の手に落ちた。



