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British offensive against Russian forces under Baratov

  • During the British offensive, they believed that Russian forces under Baratov were simultaneously attacking Turkish General Ishan. However, they were unaware that the Russian force was ineffective due to desertion and lack of supply caused by the Russian Revolution.
  • Ali Ishan commanded the Corps facing the Russians on the Diyala river. While his 2nd Division held the ground against the Russians, his 6th Division crossed back into Mesopotamia from Persia.
  • To prevent Ishan's maneuverer, Maude decided to enforce a fight and caused two Ottoman rearguard actions, including the battle of Mount Hamrin. The Ottomans heavily fortified their position at Mount Hamrin before the battle.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>During their offensive, the British believed there was a simultaneous offensive being undertaken by Russian forces under Lieutenant General Nikolai Nikolaevich Baratov to attack Turkish General Ishan. The British were unaware this Russian force had been rendered ineffective by desertion and lack of supply caused by the Russian Revolution. ⇒英国軍は彼らの攻撃の間、トルコのイスハン将軍を攻撃するためにニコライ・ニコラエヴィッチ・バラトフ中将の下でロシア軍団が引き受けた(はずの)同時の攻撃があると思っていた。英国軍は、このロシア軍団がロシア革命に起因する脱走や供給不足によって、戦闘不能に陥っていたことを知らなかった。 >Ali Ishan commanded the Corps facing the Russians on the Diyala river. Ishan's 2nd Division held the ground against the Russians while his 6th Division crossed back into Mesopotamia from Persia. Maude could not allow this maneuverer to occur unhampered, and decided to force Ishan to fight causing two Ottoman rearguard actions, one being the battle of Mount Hamrin.[3] ⇒アリ・イスハンは、ディヤラ川でロシア軍に対抗する軍団を指揮した。イスハンの第6師団がペルシャからメソポタミアへ戻る間、彼の第2師団はロシア軍に対して地歩をよく固守した。モードとしては、この機動作戦が何の妨げもなくすんなり起こるのを認めるわけにはいかず、そのようなイスハンに戦いを強制的に仕かけて、オスマントルコ軍の2個後衛隊を戦闘に巻き込み、その一つを「ハムリン山の戦闘」にしようと決心をした。 >Keary's advance up the Diyala was delayed by Ottoman rearguard units, as such Ali Ishan used this delay to heavily fortify his position at Mount Hamrin, a long and relatively low ridge stretching from near the river to just north of Baiji. Before the battle the Ottomans dug three lines of trenches overlooking two canals at the foot of the mountain. ⇒ケアリーのディヤラ川を溯上する進軍がオスマントルコ軍後衛部隊によって遅れ、(一方)アリ・イスハンはこの遅れを利用してハムリン山の自軍の陣地の強化を固めた。それは、川の近くから比較的低い尾根伝いにバイジの北まで長く延びる陣地であった。オスマントルコ軍は闘争に先立って、山の裾野の2本の運河を見渡せるところに3本の塹壕を掘っていた。


